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Green holes seem too small for the game

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Thu, Aug 23 2012 5:06 PM (13 replies)
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  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 9:15 AM

    My old Dad said that when you were on form they looked like buckets, and when you were off form they looked like thimbles. RIP you old buzzard.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,611 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 4:41 PM

    While I am sure the holes are the same size, the view on the reverse does make it look larger and gives me more confidence when I putt.  I know that there is no real difference but putting is probably at least 50% confidence so I find it useful.

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Thu, Aug 23 2012 5:06 PM

    Deja vu all over again!

    From THIS THREAD on June 14th, 2010.  Two years ago! LOL


    I've talked with many people about it and we've come to the conclusion that the hole in WGT is just a little bit smaller than in real life, and if you look at it in comparison to the golfer and the course, it is.


    For what its worth...On BPB #1 a close-up of the hole and grid lines.

    Grid lines are said to be 2 feet apart, 24 inches, and I can fit the image of 6 cups exactly between the grid lines.  That says the cup is exactly 4 inches wide on WGT, not the legal 4.25 inches specified.  Kinda confirms what TLD and the others are suspecting.

    We thought the holes were too small two years ago as well.

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