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You Shouldn't HaveTo Spend A Fortune On Golf Balls

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Fri, Aug 31 2012 2:16 AM (11 replies)
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  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 7:19 PM

    Just to get them to spin and stop on a green!.......It's a law of physics for crissakes, you put spin on a ball, it shouldn't matter what brand or the quality, it should spin and stop.....period!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 8:06 PM

    In real life yes, this is WGT. it is a business. I don't like it either, but that is the way it is. In real golf I can do just about the same thing with 8 dollar  dozen balls as I can with 40 a dozen balls. I am not on the PGA tour so it doesn't make a hell of a lot of difference.

  • LeonDelBosque
    1,551 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 8:06 PM

    It's a law of physics

    it's not a physical game.

    it's also a club "law" that you have to be a member or guest of one to play at Congressional and Oakmont. Or pay $400 for Kiawah. Think of the cost of good balls as a greens fee.

    1,141 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 8:16 PM

    if u added up all the time u have wasted cry'n in the forums... and instead would have been using it watch the add vidio's they offer in the get free credits section....

    you could have a PILE of good balls to use for FREE....

    NO amount of complaining is going to FIX yer game... sorry.. only patience ,,practice and dedication will...

    You don't see the pro's on TV playing WALMART balls do ya ? 

    peace... chill man... 

  • DiegoBeneIII
    9 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 9:40 PM

    To each their own, but any ball other than the starter ball with the EZ Swing wedges you appear to be using is a complete waste of money.

    You'd enjoy some cheap and effective Pings way more - the EZ Swings are just not going to get the ball to do what you want it to  - it would be a bit like a PGA player trying to use a kid's toy and expecting it to play the way he's used to.

    FWIW, I suggest either using at least the standard WGT starter wedges (if you don't want to upgrade to something like the Pings at 200cr each) or just using the starter ball, which is free. Same ball I use and will stop on the green and spin backwards if required, but only if you have a decent wedge to hit it with.

    Cheers and good luck on the courses.

  • kmarline21
    442 Posts
    Mon, Aug 27 2012 10:44 PM

    i have almost 7000 credets all from vids and survays and have not paid for balls in months also walmart sells all kind of golf balls 

  • gofbals
    178 Posts
    Tue, Aug 28 2012 5:21 AM

    Funny how you always get the same guys complaining that your complaining.

  • FamousBeef
    271 Posts
    Tue, Aug 28 2012 3:26 PM


    if u added up all the time u have wasted cry'n in the forums... and instead would have been using it watch the add vidio's they offer in the get free credits section....

    you could have a PILE of good balls to use for FREE....

    NO amount of complaining is going to FIX yer game... sorry.. only patience ,,practice and dedication will...

    You don't see the pro's on TV playing WALMART balls do ya ? 

    peace... chill man... 

    what a difference a day makes :)

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