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when someone quits close to the end of your game...

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 13 2012 1:20 PM (10 replies)
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  • 94JESTER
    10 Posts
    Sat, Sep 8 2012 1:48 PM

    when someone quits close to the end of your game we end up waiting for them at the lobby.  then get a message the game was stopped for inactivity, and to restart another game.  and then- the window says there's an error and try later.  do I get the wear and tear on my ball refunded?  No, didn't think so.  WGT, please get this sort of thing worked out.  One person quits, another leaves because they're tired of waiting, then stuff becomes errors-

    Not very enjoyable, especially when you've paid for balls.

  • gerryniswonger
    1,890 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 9:07 AM

    Also, at least 3 times I've had players disconnect on purpose just because they're angry at you for playing too well.  Yesterday a player disconnected 2 times on me just to make me wait to collect my credits.  Is there anything to be done about these people?

  • murderhill
    14 Posts
    Sun, Sep 9 2012 10:08 AM

    gerryniswonger this is in response to your complaint but I will CC to WGT because I am as pissed as you are for different reasons.

    This is an example of a failed attempt to correct a perceived wrong.  Here's the wrong: many players would quit if the game wasn't going their way for whatever reason.  mostly because they didn't want their score to drop.  The remaining players in the game (not all) would *** that the guy was a quitter or loser.  They would express anger, sometimes chasing down the "bad guy" in a series of contacts and insulting him.   Apparently enough people complained about the "quiters" and WGT made it's attempt to correct the problem.  

    I hate this solution.  It solves little or nothing except to show who the "quiters" are by percentage.  MY percentage is an acceptable 93% which never seems to go up, no matter how many games I complete.

    I always argued that this is a computer game and not the same as a game of golf on a real course.  In a computer game of any kind, if you play poorly, you"crash" or you "get killed" and you get to start over.  Not here. Quiting is verboten in so many player's mind's.  

    I don't get it but WGT suggests that if you play out, even your worst game, not to worry.  I quote WGT here:

    What is my Average Score?

    Your Average Score will be based on multiple best scores within ONLY your current Tier, not scores that you shot when in previous Tiers, which better reflects your current skill competing with the tee boxes and green speeds in your current Tier. Your Average Score will be based on ONLY your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier. So be sure to finish all your rounds and gain the extra experience points, as a bad day won’t matter.

    So what does "BEST SCORES mean?  I had a bad day yesterday.  9 over on Olympic.  My 66 average jumped to a 67.65.  Within the same 24 hr period I scored a -4 and a -3 on nine holes at Kiawah.  Those were my BEST SCORES today.  Woopee my score dropped to 67.13.  That does not make me happy.  On the +9 game, I would have gladly "quit" but like a good WGT trooper I stayed in to the bitter end.  I was even cheerful.  In days past I would have told the other player that I was going to let him putt out, but I was not going to finish.  Most players understood.  Now if I do that, the whole game becomes a clusterf*#k.  Again, this is because when WGT produced a solution for a problem (not in my eyes) they created a bigger problem.

    What you gerry and the fellow up above you have expressed are written testaments to a failed solution.

    I would like to get good enough to compete in tournaments but I am not even close in ability to those ladies and gents who constantly win the tournys.  As hard as I try and as many hours as I put in, I will never get to be competitive.  I have accepted that and will remain a tour master to the ends of my WGT life.  I do not, however, want to be negatively branded if I quit a horrible game and I do not want to be responsible for screwing up the games of people who are having a good game.  

  • JimbeauC
    5,835 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 10:13 AM

    someone quits close to the end of your game

    The trick is to sort them out early. I once had 2 'games' in a row that didn't go past the first hole. I dropped my approach to within 3 feet in both instances. Whoosh. They were gone and I had only suffered 4 total hits. So practice those #1 and #10 holes so you know them like the back of your hand. The easiest way to do this is to pick an unlimited tourney with the conditions you want to research and restart until you can birdy it without even trying.

    Seriously. It saves time and aggravation. 

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 1:51 PM

    I always argued that this is a computer game and not the same as a game of golf on a real course.  In a computer game of any kind, if you play poorly, you"crash" or you "get killed" and you get to start over.  Not here. Quiting is verboten in so many player's mind's.
    Even if it's an online game, it's golf. Golfers like to be polite to each other, they follow an etiquette. Many users (like myself) play real golf or have played it. Adopting their habits to the game at hand means

    - some obligation towards the others who started a game with you,

    - especially when they can't continue without you like in A/S games,

    - also when programming flaws are responsible as in other MP games.

    Many players here expect that the others feel obliged to the group playing until the finish of the game, and if it's not possible, at least a short excuse and an exit "by the rules", i.e. through the menu, not just Xing the window.

    I know this is impossible to achieve 100%, but at least we might try...


    I do not want to be responsible for screwing up the games of people who are having a good game.
    So that's good thinking! Grats!


    I don't get it but WGT suggests that if you play out, even your worst game, not to worry.  I quote WGT here:

    What is my Average Score?

    [...]Your Average Score will be based on ONLY your best scores, so completing a bad round will not negatively impact your Average Score or Tier. So be sure to finish all your rounds and gain the extra experience points, as a bad day won’t matter.

    So what does "BEST SCORES mean?

    It's a certain number of your best scores in the tier at hand. For Tour Masters, it's 50 ranked rounds in strokeplay. If your average moves up on a bad round, you are short of rounds. Starting with #51, better scores will push worse scores out of the equation, bad scores will pass without consequences. This means that your average will only drop!

    At each new tier the average and scores number is reset.

    Now imagine a player, new in his tier, shooting an incredibly bad 200 score. Of course it will cause his average to rocket up, alas, the first round after hitting the number will likely push it out, causing a tremendous drop in the average. It's safe to state that the next tier change needs a very good average, thus all those mediocre rounds will be OUT well before we reach that point.

    This is why it has only short-time effect to quit for average protection.

  • jerrysan
    5 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 3:01 PM

    WGT keeps going with the carp they will lose not us... someone don't know what the hell they doing..

  • kurt111
    11 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 3:55 PM

    well yesterday I was 93% finished games for last partner (alt shot) disconnected twice. His fault or not i don't know. Point being that I am now 73%. I really dont care that much but people will begin to not play with me if they think I quit often. Plus the averaging is way off. From 93% to 73% with 2 dropped games out of last 30? Don't see the math... Play only stroke games or match. No accounting for your partner in multi player games and that is scored against you... Just saying... Shame on WGT for this short-sightedness...

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Mon, Sep 10 2012 9:28 PM

    What else did you play yesterday, between the two numbers?

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 10:05 PM

    I had a guy, not naming names, but he flipped out, because I made a few mistakes. To him it was like a hundred. He made such a big deal out of it, it was like we had to make birdies and eagles. Sounds like someone needs a chill pill. Well, I am not playing with people like this at all. Even I had the chat disable, he kept going off. There are a lot on here that don't know what fun is unless they say the rudest thing to their own partner on A/S. It is unbelievable on how many people turn this game into the end of the world, if they don't have perfect shots or every single win on multiplayer games. Just because they have a crappy day does not mean to come on here and take it out on others, because they can't handle the stress they had all day. No one cares about others stress. I won't ever. I got enough of my own. Want a Psychiatrist to talk to, hire one. I won't deal with you on here. Apparently, used to be on my friends list, but not now. I am very sure that some people on here can relate. There is nothing that can be done with these kind of people. You can't even email wgt what they want to do something about it, even if you did nothing happens.

    WGT's Reality Show!! 24/7!!

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Wed, Sep 12 2012 10:24 PM

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