1. ===== ======= MALE AVATARS WITH HATS ===== =======
why is it only the ladies who get to have a hat on all the good avatars?
like the sunday red, the new green/yellow ausie colored avatar etc.
if the pros play with caps, why can't we?
out of all the modern day looking male avatars
(not including the ryder ones and the lexus one) only 2 have caps! why?
I'd love to see a sunday red+ black sleeveless vest + black cap avatar.
I'd love it even more if we could DESIGN OUR OWN AVs'
and while you're at it why not design more avatar bodies?
maybe some overweight ones, some elderly looking ones,
some long haired ones, or bold ones, add a little touch of human diversity.
2. we need a reputation filter in the create/join a round menu
to be able to select a minimum completion % of players in the multi-player rounds.
a blocked player filter in there would be great as well (even though it should be
fairly obvious to the system that we really don't wanna play with someone we blocked).
and speaking of blocked players, have a button on player's page "block this player",
instead of making us go to the account section and do this manually.
3. get rid of the championship zone page hijacking when we select a course
4. 16:9 res for future courses. seriously, it's time.
5. make invites linkable!:: when I get a friend or club invite,
I can't click his name to find more about him or her,
so I have to do a manual profile search, make these linkable.
instead of throwing us into a random lobby of a game,
give us a list of all the games pending,
including course name, amount of holes, and amount of players
who already joined (green) and let US pick one of them
instead of having one of them pick us. ah ah? nice right? :)
7. thursday pizza & karaoke (optional) nights for wgtpizza and wgticon