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Free set of WGT Tour/ Pro Clubs

Wed, Jun 9 2010 12:51 PM (16 replies)
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  • austinpowers2001
    34 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2010 11:42 AM

    I think since WGT has now given people both WGT Starters and WGT Beginners, It should add Tour clubs. It just makes alot of sense when you think about it for all the good players who don't want to spend alot of money on WGT.

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2010 12:43 PM

    You mean something like this.

    Sorry....I had to do it.......

    Happy hitting

    *edit   I missed the FREE part but for $3.50 I would hardly call it alot of money.

  • Greenkeepa
    55 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2010 5:32 PM

    well really whats 20 bucks to get a real good set, a movie ticket ? 2 pizza's ?


  • rehill
    431 Posts
    Fri, May 21 2010 5:44 PM

    Find some quarters under the sofa cushions, I'm sure you could find enough money to get the WGT tour pros. LOL. =)

  • s8n666
    1 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 3:54 AM

    its not a  matter of finding money, its the fact that not everyone has a *** credit card, or pay pal account.., and imagine how much of a total *** idiot you would look like going into a bank to transfer $3.50 to a computer company for a set of interactive golf clubs!

    come on.., wake the *** up people, this is a great game to play, but really, ...does it need to have money spent on it for it to become an enjoyable passtime?

  • marioh
    1,055 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 4:16 AM

    So let me get this right.

    You can afford anywhere from $20-70 a month for high speed internet access, yet spending a few dollars here is out of the question?

    You do realize that it costs money to:

    a)develop this game

    b)maintain the servers

    c)pay for bandwidth

    d)pay the WGT employees

    There's plenty of free games out there.   Go and enjoy them.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 5:22 AM

    come on.., wake the *** up people, this is a great game to play, but really, ...does it need to have money spent on it for it to become an enjoyable passtime?



  • AlaCowboy
    1,321 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 6:08 AM


    come on.., wake the *** up people, this is a great game to play, but really, ...does it need to have money spent on it for it to become an enjoyable passtime?



    Actually the answer is NO. Play any of the 4 courses in practice mode and choose tee location and wind speed. Free clubs and balls work just fine.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 6:36 AM

    Actually the answer is NO. Play any of the 4 courses in practice mode and choose tee location and wind speed. Free clubs and balls work just fine.

    You and I realize this, Cowboy but apparently the OP doesn't and it's easier to just say yes. :-)

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 7:08 AM

    I often wonder how many people here have purchased one of the available  game consoles either for themselves or a child and then spent $50 a crack for the games and still think spending $20 bucks or so here is expensive?


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