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Free set of WGT Tour/ Pro Clubs

Wed, Jun 9 2010 12:51 PM (16 replies)
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  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 7:28 AM

    ...and if the OP wants to enjoy the whole site, tough courses with tough conditions included, then he needs to spend a little money.  Not unlike a real golf course, where they charge you a silly greens fee.  Unless, of course, you sneak on.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 7:48 AM

    WGT IS A BUSINESS, this website is not your personal little gimme it all for free zone. pay for upgrades or don't i don't care but don't come in here and whine, bit*h, cry and moan.

  • wizbang360
    411 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 7:53 AM

    come on.., wake the *** up
       Are  you serious!!    some gall.    This is a business,  go back to yahoo or pogo   if you want free everything. IMO you ARE an idiot, you can go to wal mart and buy a $20,$50, even $100 pre paid card and use it here.  sooo   your argument that some  POOR people cant do it   so it should be free  is freaking rediculas!  This is not Russia.


    Just in case,     that ^^^ was NOT directed at you Austin.  asking for ,  and  in essence demanding free  are two  different things.

  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 7:59 AM

    s8n666, when you scream, shout and swear like that at home do your mom and dad give you what you want?

  • hbthree
    478 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 8:21 AM

    Austin....I think they should give us everything, why stop with the Tour clubs?  Are you going to then maintain,operate and evolve this endeavor, I'm sure not!  HB3



    I think since WGT has now given people both WGT Starters and WGT Beginners, It should add Tour clubs. It just makes alot of sense when you think about it for all the good players who don't want to spend alot of money on WGT.

  • NormH3
    214 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 11:49 AM


    its not a  matter of finding money, its the fact that not everyone has a *** credit card, or pay pal account.., and imagine how much of a total *** idiot you would look like going into a bank to transfer $3.50 to a computer company for a set of interactive golf clubs!

    come on.., wake the *** up people, this is a great game to play, but really, ...does it need to have money spent on it for it to become an enjoyable passtime?


    ...speak of the devil...

  • youareintrouble
    103 Posts
    Wed, Jun 9 2010 12:51 PM

    I have not wanted to wade ever in this discussion but,


    WGT has thought much thru that works well. I am poor right now. Not much longer to go and back at my old job and ill be fine.  I never use CC and a prepaid gift card works fine. I dont like to slam folks but the TWO crowd and the gimmie crowd are driven me Ms. Daisey. I have come across many wonderful folk kind enough to gift me alot of items. I have returned the favor gifted to those in need. (paying it Forward)  If credits for placing in WGT sponsored events werent offered would u say anything. How many of u r TWO fans and in the top 1million shooting -18. Of all the people trying to place in the tournaments and a handfull have a succesfull round, they somehow are not to be trusted. I cant tell u newbs how many holes i have left birdie and finished -5   -6 par for the round. Not 1 of u r going to grab a nameless club set out your garage, walk up to the bethpage tee and tell me u r gonna be the ball. I have those clubs, still use them and what i c in the virtual world here is the same i c in the sunshine. U want to vent over the option to use better clubs(like the pros want too use) to play a free game...that just sounds retarded. You folk ever hear Tiger say Beginners R all I need. U c Phil swingin Wal-Mart wonders and complaining cause somebody didnt buy im Pings. There are a few good GOFF games out there but most r just insulting to our GOFF intelligence.   Stop complaining, go get in a round and complement good strokes and u too might get a gift and come to relize the knowledge u brought from that other title is actually not really correct at all. 

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