As for games being rigged, they must be, ready go's will either be "hot" ones where you cant do no wrong or you might get ones where some holes you can only make par, no matter what you do, i.e wind not effecting shot, and resulting putt, break has no effect either.
Matchplay game seems to favour one player over another, or 1 player for first few holes, then game flips and that player who was landing within 1 or 2 yards clubs all of a sudden are wrong and cant land close to save his life and opponent is now landing within 1 or 2 yards, and game goes from being 3 up to a/s.
Like my blitz match at edgewood just now. first few holes i would aim for wind, yet dinged shots would start off from pin and i would end up 15 feet wide shots not reacting normaly, 200 points down by the 7th. On the 8th, my opponent presses early and lands 31 feet away, i get heartbeat and now i'm 2000 in the lead. Final hole 140 yards, all i need to do is land within 25 feet, easy you would think, 20 mph left to right wind, i aim way way left, not caring if i land over 10 yards left of pin, DING shot BUT my shot starts off as if i had aimed directly at pin (default aim) and land 35 feet right of pin, no where near where shot SHOULD have gone, having saw that its just another nail in the "rigged" wgt coffin.
The way i can tell if putt was a "deviation" strange putt, or one that break has no effect, when you look at a replay of the putt (dont have to save it) there wont be a reverse view, only a helicopter view just like wgt are hiding the evidence LOL, ) but if you mess up putt yourself, i.e miss ding, miss read or come up short, THERE WILL be a reverse view in replay. Next time you get a putt where the break doesn't effect the putt, and you know it should (it usually does) have a look at replay and it will be a helicopter view on camera 2, not the normal reverse view