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how to become a WGT nation member

Wed, Jan 29 2020 4:22 PM (33 replies)
  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 12:37 AM

    Slowly Nation Membership is improving
    They are still short of most of their promises:

    Private Tourneys: Yes. WGT one up.

    Escalated CS - no clue how to get it, probably non-existant. Chance and hole lost, all square.

    Exclusive offers and gifts: One(!) Valentine ball, one(!) St.Patrick's ball seems all for the year. Generously conceded to an undeserved half.

    "more exclusive services to come this year" (which was 2012 BTW). Huh - was August's top seller list meant to fulfill this promise? Not IMHO. Your putt for a half stops short of the goal.

    WGT loses one down.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Oct 11 2013 1:05 AM


    Private Tourneys: Yes. WGT one up.

    I conceded this one - the one area of improvement.


    Escalated CS - no clue how to get it, probably non-existant. Chance and hole lost, all square.

    LOL true UNLESS - you quit Nation!

    One(!) Valentine ball, one(!) St.Patrick's ball

    Very generous to concede this, because if I was playing with these balls I would have been on a cart path and pondering why is my free drop back on the tee!

    "more exclusive services to come this year"

    I think this was a typo - year should have been decade.

    Thanks for making me laugh!

  • makalejames
    10 Posts
    Sun, Dec 22 2013 9:31 PM

    how an i become a wgt nation member

  • makalejames
    10 Posts
    Mon, Dec 23 2013 3:35 PM

    hey did y get an ane to your ? howtobecome a wgt nation membe r  plese letme ow

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Dec 24 2013 3:32 AM

    Look here - you (lvl 90) should be elegible.

    But, don't expect too much.

  • Mr916
    15 Posts
    Wed, Jun 22 2016 12:49 AM

    I'm completely confused now. I played with a member today that is a Hack, level 2, player with an 150 Avg score, that started his membership TODAY?. He hasn't purchased one club or ball or spent a dime and quit the round today, with a WGT Nation Member banner beside his name.

    Invitation only? What? Just started today and has a WGT Nation Member banner? 

  • Marksherry0
    119 Posts
    Wed, Aug 31 2016 1:42 AM

    I was wondering about this as well. It's not a huge deal to me but I played a guy today with 550 ranked rounds and I have 700 perhaps..he wasn't a legend nor was level 90..seen a bunch of people actually like that aw well. I've  spent my share of cash as we all have so just wondering how this actually works..

    I will be there soon enough I'm not going to ask WGT  but just curious as how someone with less has more than certain others. Frankly not even sure if it's worth fighting for but was just reading this thread and thought I'd chime in!

    B est of luck


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Aug 31 2016 4:52 PM

    I was wondering about this as well.

    This has been the absurdity of the "criteria".....and seems to be no hard and fast rules and has in my eyes made a total mockery of this.

    It costs nothing to join and there may be a few more tourneys over a month, but there is nothing tangible or advantageous. .

    Promises have been made that, like so many promises or carrots dangled in front of us, that have never, nor probably will ever materialise,


  • Marksherry0
    119 Posts
    Wed, Aug 31 2016 5:24 PM

    Thanks for t


    I was wondering about this as well.

    This has been the absurdity of the "criteria".....and seems to be no hard and fast rules and has in my eyes made a total mockery of this.

    It costs nothing to join and there may be a few more tourneys over a month, but there is nothing tangible or advantageous. .

    Promises have been made that, like so many promises or carrots dangled in front of us, that have never, nor probably will ever materialise,


    Thanks for the reply! Seems to make some upset that it happens.

    like I said I'll be there sooner or later so not overly worried about it!



  • fireman33
    2,692 Posts
    Mon, Jun 19 2017 12:03 PM
