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Scheduled Maintenance 11:00 PM PST

Fri, May 28 2010 11:51 AM (54 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 5:13 AM


    Whew .. good .. no new courses .. i was getting worried.

    Shoot the damned bananas. It took them 4 hours to do squat. BFD on these BS awards and that lame-ass Pebble Beach use-the-free-stuff-only challenge.

    Nobody to blame here but myself-my expectations, my letdown. Adopting the positive attitude and believing aint all it's cracked up to be for sure...................

  • 3Jackcity
    78 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 5:18 AM

    Yea what the difference other than it says how many credits you got on the game screen

  • Soulcatcher
    1,970 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 5:52 AM


    Yea what the difference other than it says how many credits you got on the game screen

    It is a Hot link to the purchase credits screen.

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 6:20 AM

    in the immortal words of judge smails, WELL WERE WAITING. settle down all imo wgt is having a little fun with us here on this one. you don't really think they shut down the site for 4 hours just to put a hot link for buying more credits do you? as far as pebble beach goes, i have been playing video golf games as far back as intellivision (google that one kiddies) pebble beach has been done to death on all the major formats. hopefully that was a humorous little tease and the site will be down tonight for the REAL update. just my two cents worth here but new pin placements on kia. is. should have been down quite sometime ago. i realize wgt now has partnered with the usga so that moves to the forefront, but there are some other areas that need some attention here. keep up the great work wgt, but that was not an update. JB

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 6:26 AM

    in the immortall words of judge smails, WELL WERE WAITING

    Hysterical-immediate roar!  Faterson spoke up on the WGTLS forum and speculated that something may have caused a last minute delay in the release of Oakmont. It happened with SA and 2 days later a 30 minute downtime update produced the course. Makes sense to me and jives with jb's thought.

    I'll just go play pong on the intellivision...............   ;-)

  • geordieles
    516 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 7:16 AM

    cannot find them exploding bananas again jim  lol

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 7:47 AM

    you don't really think they shut down the site for 4 hours just to put a hot link for buying more credits do you?
                                                                               Nope ...  and the new tri master R-9 Driver sitting in the pro-shop looks nice too...   :)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 8:34 AM

    cannot find them exploding bananas again jim  lol


    Cold Damn.........

  • AtlantaCoaster
    645 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 8:59 AM


    in the immortall words of judge smails, WELL WERE WAITING

    .....speculated that something may have caused a last minute delay in the release of Oakmont. It happened with SA and 2 days later a 30 minute downtime update produced the course. Makes sense to me and jives with jb's thought.

    I'll just go play pong on the intellivision...............   ;-)


    (Disclaimer:  Anyone who has a software development background will be familiar with what I describe - in a general way it is usually pretty similar to this - though variations DO exist if it is Mainframe, Midrange, Web environment and so forth - the nuts and bots generally apply)

    With any software release...the actual "Implementation" is often the fastest part - in a 4 hour "window" probably from something as simple as the Development/Implementation Team (or programmer) from hitting a "click" someplace to bring it live on the "Production" Server(s) that we all play on from the "Test" server up to and including a more "manual" process that might involve a series of this to bring various "pieces" to life....but in a 4 Hour Implementation window, it would be RARE that the actual code rollout would consume more than 15-30 minutes.

    THE REST OF THE TIME IS ALMOST ALL TESTING.  Is it "behaving" the same way in the PRODUCTION environment (that we all PLAY ON) as it behaved on the TESTING server.  Even though TESTING environments are MEANT TO replicate the "live"/public environment, there ARE invariably differences...and sometimes software does NOT behave exactly the same and MIGHT need some minor tweaking - or rarely something major did not work.

    In MANY cases - and this MIGHT be true with WGT - the software MMAY have been tested in the Production environemnt ALREADY to avoid what I described above.  It MIGHT be sitting there "parallel" and alongside all our other courses, and they have simply NOT "clicked it over" yet to activate the linkss and such that would give us access.  THIS IS SPECUALTION but mostly intended to give a "window" into the sort of thing that goes on with software.  

    DO NOT ANYBODY bother to get wise ideas about trying to "find" it (I know nothing and have no idea if it is actually there) - has anyone seen WGT's URLs?  most of them include a string of characters SOMETHING LIKE 1fg4r5ewdprgf-56cv5e6d3r6t-cvjboefer21sd-dfe6ert - if you have a lifetime to waste trying to guess at that sort of stuff - well that is your business - but if you were to hit it - you should also probably be buying Lottery tickets.  LOL


    Bottom line is WGT will let us have it WHEN THEY ARE READY and WHEN IT IS FUNCTIONING.


    Regards,  AC

  • jbenny11
    863 Posts
    Thu, May 27 2010 9:26 AM

    wow, the new driver looks like something that will surely mean the end of my monitor. 1/2 dot more precision, 3 more yards and a lightning fast meter with my tour sd balls ouch. i'll wait for the feedback on that one. JB