Had a massive clear out of none active members and We are now looking for new members but they must meet 3 conditions
Which are, the must be active within the club,(minimum of 4 club games per month )
They must use our voice server,(which is free for members)
And they must never quit a game when playing another member.
We have our own league with 5 divisions(8 games per season 2 per week so its quick to move up a division)
Also our tier league which runs for 8 weeks per season
and our new PGA tour which started this week and runs for 23 weeks
+ Live Sunday night tournament every week which is run on our voice server
And of course our own web site
If interested message me
You cant find the club n the market place you can only join vie myself
Pleas note the spelling of qitters does not ave a u in it because if U join U are not a quitter