neildiamond11790:wizzbang, you telling me that when you go to the driving range you are using the same balls you do on the course? You also saying that when you practice golf in real life you are not using the same balls you normally would play with?
You know Neiil people here have their arrogent attitude and shove it peoples faces wayyy too much. as a GAME they can let us use whatever balls they choose and it would cost them nothing, they could even let us use the balls we currently have in inventory. And of course I Dont use the same balls I play with but I also dont play at cheap par threes, the courses I play have middle of the line ball that just happen to have stripes on them and I can get a good idea of what the club will do with the balls I play with. All I did was suggest that it was not so they could play a particular hole and perfect it and move on to the next, there may be some idiots that would do that, but the great majority I am sure would just like to see what each club they have is capable of to make planning a round more productive.