drmoose: Damn I need a drink after all this idle chatter! Manhattens for everyone !
Damn I need a drink after all this idle chatter! Manhattens for everyone !
Speaking of commandments, we could erect a statue of Baal and then engage in some idol chatter...we could even customize the statue for wgt and call him GolfBaal.
WGTPizza's been up on that mountain for 40 days so it is obvious he needs the community's help hammering out his list onto those stone pizza tablets!
Here are my suggestions.
LMAO ! Some good ones there fellers. But andyson, you seem to be two rules short of a tablet? WGT is always looking for player input so let's keep 'em coming, lol.
Doc :)
Complainees should not clear caches or try different browsers until the moderator's scripted answer #1 tells them to :-)
drmoose: But andyson, you seem to be two rules short of a tablet? Doc :)
But andyson, you seem to be two rules short of a tablet?
Ever the observant one Doc! I fixed it for you! See #s 9 & 10 above.
" I agree".........Andy
andyson: 10. Thou shalt not posteth only "I agree" as thou post count doesn't impress anyone.
10. Thou shalt not posteth only "I agree" as thou post count doesn't impress anyone.
zagraniczniak: andyson: 10. Thou shalt not posteth only "I agree" as thou post count doesn't impress anyone. Bump!
drmoose:#10. Any person found to be in possesion of their wits, or an average intellegence or above, why in the Hell are you reading this anyway ?
Well, I passed my moron IQ test, which is an IQ of 55, does that help.
this isn't a true IQ test but gives you an idea where you sit, mentally.
Not the most difficult challenge from what I remember. Kinda cute though.