It´s good news for the non-qualifiers who want to follow us or for anybody else interested in following the Ryder Cup. There is a chat that Nivlac set up some months ago which some of you have already used to talk to fellow players. Now I am planning on using this as a live commentary center for the Ryder Cup. Basically, the idea is that one of the four players from each match that will be played logs into the chat and posts live commentary on what is happenning, so that other people can read it. Of course, to do this we need volunteer players who are wishing to commentate on matches. You don´t have to do this if you don´t want to. If you are one of the 24 players taking part in this tournament and you believe that commentating on the match at the same time that you play would affect your concentration, don´t so it.
If you wish to commentate on your match, please contact me over the next few days. It is also reccommended that you try this out before actually using it during the Ryder, to check that id oesn´t affect your lag. I´ve tried it myself and it hasn´t given me any problems (or any more than the usual ones, anyway) but maybe it will affect other computers.
This is the link to the chat and you can also use it to log in and talk to your WGT friends apart from following the Ryder Cup.
After clicking on the link, choose your username (preferrably the same one you have at WGT) and type /join#WGT