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Chat With MisterWGT - IT'S ON!

rated by 0 users
Sat, Dec 22 2012 9:48 PM (28 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:13 AM

    Here is a thread explaining what is, how to set up an account, etc. Let me know here if you have any more questions :)


    Got you covered P.  ;-)

    This thread.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:14 AM

    Got you covered P.  ;-)

    Haha, thanks YJ!  ;)


    Stay classy,


  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:25 AM

    Probably the wrong place but here goes anyways.

    What is the chance that WGT puts on  Seniors only Tournaments? Seniors are golfers not gamers and piztaker's Senior event was great.

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:26 AM

    This is really unfortunate. The original chat date was on my off day. Now I have to be at work wishing I could watch this thing.

    I forgot they do have a app for Android, but i doubt my job's Wi-Fi will hold up streaming with all the people using it.

  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:30 AM


    This is really unfortunate. The original chat date was on my off day. Now I have to be at work wishing I could watch this thing.

    I forgot they do have a app for Android, but i doubt my job's Wi-Fi will hold up streaming with all the people using it.

    Oh no! I'm sorry, Buggyyy, now that the launch issues are worked out we will have much more consistent times/dates for our chats, and after this one I will be taking feedback on more optimal days/times for our community.

    If you or anyone else misses the chat this Tuesday, all chats will be watchable on the chatwithmisterwgt channel. After work, put your slippers on, boot up the computer, log on to and watch the chat in comfort, on your own time  :)


    Stay classy,


  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Thu, Nov 15 2012 10:50 AM

    If you or anyone else misses the chat this Tuesday, all chats will be watchable on the chatwithmisterwgt channel. After work, put your slippers on, boot up the computer, log on to and watch the chat in comfort, on your own time  :)

    I will heat up some pizza rolls and watch this chat. I hope I'm pleased with what the news is about, or I won't be too happy. I need something to refresh my addiction to this game.


  • Phaxda
    145 Posts
    Mon, Nov 19 2012 1:00 AM

    I had formerly offered to transcribe the chat for those who like a written account, but will be unable to do so promptly given the time change. I'll try to do it when time allows, but Tuesdays are much more hectic for me than Fridays!  

  • mikemcknight
    62 Posts
    Wed, Nov 21 2012 2:17 PM

    Hi there, how can I see leading money list on wgt?


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Nov 22 2012 8:24 AM


    Hi there, how can I see leading money list on wgt?


    On the main page. 1/2 way down there's a sortable list of earnings leaders.

  • mikemcknight
    62 Posts
    Fri, Dec 21 2012 10:50 PM

    Hi there Pizza. I have a question for you. Why are employee's of your company allowed to play on this site. For example, if I entered a competition in my local newspaper they would have a message saying employees are not eligible for entry for obvious reasons. It's clear to me and most of my friends that these people who are "in the know", have an unacceptably unfair bias. It's totally unfair to the WGT community, or for whatever that may mean my friend! Regards Mike.