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Level 94 R11's driver

Wed, Dec 12 2012 1:00 PM (36 replies)
  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:20 AM

    Buckeye8084 says"The added benefit of the R11s is minimal".............Buckeye why did you feel the need to make that comment when you are a level 89 and have no experience with the R11s,you said yourself there is an added benefit ,so any added benefit can and will lower your scores if utilized correctly,like added distance, less wind fluctuation,more forgiveness,all the things listed in the promo for the R11s,sounds like more than minimal to me,I also checked in the bags of a few of the other people who commented on this thread,can you guess what I found?,,thats right,the R11s.....if it's not that big of deal,give yours up and go back to the regular R11...I'm not trying to be degrading or snotty I just feel WGT put those of us who have reached level 90 at a disadvantage to those who got to purchase the better driver......ok I'm done ranting now...hit'em long and straight gents,as always good luck...:)

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:31 AM

    I have it cause i had credits to buy if from rgs. If im gonna win credits from ready goes why not buy anything they release. But i didn't get mine until i was level 94 and was tour legend. Up till that point i had the 280 r9. And i'm telling you since you haven't used the r11s and i have used them all there is no advantage. Plain and simple. Oh like i said ill go get the 275 driver and you still wouldnt have an advantage over me. Work on the putting and all will be good.

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:33 AM


    I'm sorry, but those irons don't even exist in the real world. By the time those are even produced, WGT might not exist anymore.

    I am basically saying it to me is pointless to go with that many credits for a club that makes hardly any of a difference in a game from r11 to r11s. For the irons R11 irons are on top anyways so I will stick with them until there is any kind of replacement, and that is what I meant. Same thing as what I said but in a different way on other post. Who cares if they don't have r11s irons in real world? It is having the best equipment to some.

    I know if I did not have what I have now I would not be Tour Master right now. That just me saying I suck without good clubs. Like there are others that can make it to legend with the stock clubs of this game.

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:36 AM


    Buckeye8084 says"The added benefit of the R11s is minimal".............Buckeye why did you feel the need to make that comment when you are a level 89 and have no experience with the R11s,you said yourself there is an added benefit ,so any added benefit can and will lower your scores if utilized correctly,like added distance, less wind fluctuation,more forgiveness,all the things listed in the promo for the R11s,sounds like more than minimal to me,I also checked in the bags of a few of the other people who commented on this thread,can you guess what I found?,,thats right,the R11s.....if it's not that big of deal,give yours up and go back to the regular R11...I'm not trying to be degrading or snotty I just feel WGT put those of us who have reached level 90 at a disadvantage to those who got to purchase the better driver......ok I'm done ranting now...hit'em long and straight gents,as always good luck...:)

    Lol for the same reason you decided to make a forum post on a driver you never used lmao,


  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:37 AM have 2years and 3 months more playing time than I do also over 500 more ranked rounds not to mention your practice and other rounds,you are a tour legend (congrats to that)..I was born at night but not last night so no I wont be suckered into a game where I have very little chance of winning,thanks but no thanks,,,,give me the same experience you have and I'll play with you for any amount any game any time,i've been playing for only nine months and am not very far behind you my friend,,,play well and hit'em straight,keep an eye in your rearview mirror.........

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 12:46 AM

    Very true but buggyyy and spammage a cc member of ours started a month before you. One tour legend and one close to it. My point is a driver is not a factor in this. I've watched players use the 278 super tri till they turned tour legend. It's all in the putting sir. I'm using level 79 clubs which are by choice but i'm playing better than i was with the r11s. As kingtuck and wontonamo still do to and are great players. Yes i feel they should have kept it where it was at as far as level but no biggie.Joking bout playing you i would not play a cc member unless it was for fun. Take care and gl.

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 1:02 AM's all good,,how you like those bladez?...thinking about getting them myself soon...i see a lot of good things being said about them....GL and take care too man,see ya.....

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 1:02 AM's all good,,how you like those bladez?...thinking about getting them myself soon...i see a lot of good things being said about them....GL and take care too man,see ya.....

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 1:08 AM

    I actually like them alot. The slower meter is very nice i just wish it had a 225.

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Mon, Dec 10 2012 7:52 AM

    Perhaps for Xmas, WGT will drop the the R11s woods back down to somewhere in the region of 91/92. Then we get to see for ourselves if it makes any difference or not. My assumption is that it will. I tried the R11 in the free rental period, and it went about 5yds further than my G20 with a neutral wind. But I missed too many fairways with it as it is less forgiving and I am not the greatest dinger in the world, so I chose not to get it.

    If the R11s specs are anything to go by, this would be more precise and forgiving than my G20, and perhaps 10 yds longer in neutral wind. And I feel the best part of a club less into some greens would make a difference, if only fractional.

    I think Dave has the right idea. To get better you have to make any improvement you can in anything, and they are all inter-related. Better driving = closer to the pin with irons = better putting. This is how real life pros view it.

    I'd be interested in a response from WGT on this. Any chance of dropping the R11s down a couple of levels for Xmas?