Name the Heavyweight boxer from Louisville that became champ when he won the belt vacated by another Louisvillian Heavyweight.
First correct answer will get a sleeve of the ball of your choice.
cassius clay aka mohammed ali
That 1 was too ez.
Jimmy Ellis and Greg Page were the other two heavyweights from Louiseville.
Yaboo Lowblanski
alcaucin: Jimmy Ellis and Greg Page were the other two heavyweights from Louiseville.
Have to agree with andy, her he put two names out but the answer to the TS's questions is actually Jimmy Ellis as it the only one that makes sense. Ellis won it becuase of Ali vacating it and Ali never won a Vacated belt from someone in Loisville. Very kool question!
Correct (sort of)! Jimmy Ellis won the 8-man tournament when Ali was stripped of the belt. He lives right around the corner from me.
Just let me know what you would like, Alcaucin!
And one more thanks to everyone that have been gifting to others! winning stuff...!!
Guess the old saying "What goes around, Comes around" is true {:-))
I use the Max balls (srry about that)
Very generous of you Sir,Ty
And as you say, everyone else who's kept LegendCrushers ball rolling.
Sleeve sent, Go Low!!
Dartguy: Sleeve sent, Go Low!!