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Changes to the Elite Collection - Customize your WGT experience

Tue, Jan 3 2017 5:14 PM (172 replies)
  • WGTpizza
    1,656 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 9:59 AM

    A lot of very valuable feedback is going in to this thread. Thank you, everyone, for conveying your messages in an appropriate manner.

    I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT.


    Stay classy,


  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 11:05 AM

     I bought the pink shirt and bag just so my guys wouldn't look like everyone else.

    Come on now William .. your not fooling us ... we all know that deep down inside you secretly want to look like Paula.


    By the way ... at this point in it's life ... WGT should be adding things for the community - not taking them away ... just my opinion.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 11:15 AM


    A lot of very valuable feedback is going in to this thread. Thank you, everyone, for conveying your messages in an appropriate manner.

    I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT.


    Stay classy,


    Best of wishes   

    Hopefully your "Marketing Analise's Firm" didn't make a big BOO BOO!

    Take out the Adults, who are your main resource, and let it be a kiddie game, so be it!




  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 12:31 PM

    Removing the gift voucher is tantamount to stealing candy from the kid and was never going to go down too well.

    WGT needs to realise that folks who've built up a great amount of credits want an avenue open to cash them order to buy something they want....not what WGT has to push on them.

    Custom avs......wgt merchandising....real life golf tee times are great additions to the Elite collection and most likely will sell very well indeed.....but what if someone wants to buy that new pc or golf driver from Amazon? take that choice away from them now is hardly the mutt's nuts.

    Happy Christmas

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 12:52 PM

    I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT.

    and being moderated by you! psst! 

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 1:00 PM


  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 10:24 PM


    A lot of very valuable feedback is going in to this thread. Thank you, everyone, for conveying your messages in an appropriate manner.

    I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT.


    Stay classy,


    So much I'd like to say to you about this.  Glad WGt has someone with a brain other than that *** Icon or whatever he/she calls her/himself.  BTW FU Icon! 


    There truly are some easy resolutions and remedies, so long as you keep Icoont out of it.  Plenty to post in the forum but more that I'd like to speak to someone about personally.  Brevity has never been my strong suit  so you likely don't want me to post my/our thoughts in the forums.   I'm fighting for the team (us hacks at your virtual mercy) but don't want to speak out too loudly publicly against the people making decisions up there.

    Y'all can fix/ perfect this game so easily and you don't even need to toil over programming uneven lies.  I'm no one special but have been around since starter clubs only.  Have witnessed many changes for both the good and bad.  Would love to share thoughts.  Friend invite sent.

    ***disclaimer-  all negative remarks about Icon are only because I have a crush on IT and the way IT stands on it's tip toes in the fescue!  Love you and miss you Icon.....well not so much but it sounds good  :P

  • MBaggese
    15,367 Posts
    Tue, Dec 18 2012 10:57 PM

    I'll weigh in as a forum post@@@@@ and say many of these great players that have made the game something that we strive to achieve, are being cheated (may be a strong word) out of there due payoffs.


    So many of the greats here like BiB, Jake, Tess, etc, etc (sorry, list is long) deserves what they should earn..the rest of us know we'll never grab a gift card, trip to an Open, etc, but man WGT...if these great players here have nothing to play for on a monthly basis (i/e racking up credits to get a card) and they only pop in to get tuned up for the big tournies, I for one will feel we (as a WGT community) will have lost geatly.

    We NEED the Top Dogs in the daily RG's, striving for credits...why?


    Well I'll tell ya, ...bit of background is I have won a few RG's. but one of my biggest thrills was tieing one of the greats here for 2nd place in a tough RG.


    If Players like BiB, Jake, etc don't have a daily incentive to play that they can reap some rewards occasionally...the rest of us (at least me) are left with hollow victories.


    That's how I see it...I'd like to be here in 3 years talking about these guys in the present tense, not like the oldtimers talking about Tibbets.

  • birdnamnam
    22 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 12:44 AM

    We recently saw MAX things introduced in the pro shop. Clubs and balls with maximized features. We saw averages falling close to 52. Top players have nothing more to conquer and mediocre players cannot keep up with the unrealistically low scores. And now all the top players lose a basic motivation. Gift cards.

    My 6th sense says that there is not much time left... I hope I am wrong.


  • Lyrac
    177 Posts
    Wed, Dec 19 2012 1:08 AM


    I want everyone to know this thread is being read by WGT.

    and being moderated by you! psst! 

    Yeah, I agree, well scariest part of wgt now the whole Big bro is not only watching you, taking your benefits away and being smarmy, but is also using the heavy iron fist of cowardice too