WGT you are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites.
I can't believe you allowed that post in reference to the Elite Country Club, to actually even get posted from some poor self pitying soul who is upset at the owner. You made rules about mentioning other members in our posts and no it wasn't just a reference to a country club but to a person, namely the owner of the club, and his name was mentioned.
That post should never have been allowed and although you shut down any replies that can be added you still left it up and is still up as far as I know.
You owe a public apology to the owner of the Elite Country Club and as far as the sad little person that wrote the post to begin with, he shouldn't even be allowed to use the forums because he stepped way over the line and WGT you let him.
I have never seen such an abuse of the forums in my 3 years as a member.
Needless to say the owner is left without recourse. I am a member of the club which you obviously know by now, I am not, however, in any leadership capacity, just one of the bunch. It is a great club with lots of stuff going on and I am really upset that this type of assassination can go on. I could say a lot more if I were a little more elegant in my writing skills. I just feel the line was severely crossed here and something has to be done about it. Thanks TJ