Last night o scored 31 on the first 9 of st andrews and my average was reduced accordingly. This morning i had the same score which was recorded but the average did not come down. Also i was in the middle of a game in Liwah island back 9 and doing well and on the 16th suddenly everything went apparently something wrong with the internet connection. Every time i try to get back on the game i am not allowed and am told to flush the cache i am not good with computers so i don't know what that means
Those guys are sorting through you computer issues quite well, listen to what they say and do it.
As far as your scoring goes, you are at 61.36 with your average right now as a TM. Assuming you have all your 50 rounds in and your average is now based on your BEST 50 past rounds as a TM, your score will only reflect a change when you shoot a score that is better than one you have in your best 50 rounds. A 31 equals a round of 62 so it may not impact your average very well. shooting 30's on the other hand are equal to a round of 60 and that will definitely impact your average.
hope that helps.