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WGT - Behind the scenes

Sun, Jan 6 2013 12:30 PM (17 replies)
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  • tujay
    771 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 7:41 PM


    I am an average player, enjoy the game, and especially enjoy the company I have had the pleasure to meet on WGT.  The following are my views but may (may not) also be the views of others.  Perhaps responses to this post will answer this question.

    My request is that you put together a suite of "Behind the Scenes" information that will assist me in knowing more about the site/company structure.  I have enjoyed watching some youtube clips about the development of some of the courses. Soooo, tell us about..

    1.  Course development and the barriers to extending the current number of courses available.

    2. The operating computer that houses the software and developers.

    3. HR structure - How does the communication ideas  from these forums get to implementation?

    4. Third party software suppliers and the communication that occurs to ensure the site is not compromised by updates, etc

    I would really enjoy knowing how the game I enjoy and play is put together and functions at the operational level.


  • barbarella24
    513 Posts
    Sat, Jan 5 2013 9:28 PM

    +1, I really like this but will be surprised if it happens.

  • geraldlarousse
    1,986 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 1:57 AM

    Hehehe, just blew snot all over the screen, lol. The jungle, lol, good 1.

  • sdorr
    650 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 2:18 AM

    I SUPPOSE THAT "SNOT ALL OVER THE SCREEN" is accepted as a "yes" for my conclusions? I am working on part 2 of that new theme song, I really don't require help, but assisantance from the choir is welcome. If you know what I mean.


    your lines here please

  • tujay
    771 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:15 AM

    Keep the faith guys - it is the season for miracles.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:29 AM


    1.  Course development and the barriers to extending the current number of courses available.

    2. The operating computer that houses the software and developers.

    3. HR structure - How does the communication ideas  from these forums get to implementation?

    4. Third party software suppliers and the communication that occurs to ensure the site is not compromised by updates, etc

    I would really enjoy knowing how the game I enjoy and play is put together and functions at the operational level.

    I would find it an interesting read for sure.

    #3 though, they clearly use these forums as a guide, which IMHO is a huge mistake and not at all representative of the actual customer.


  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 4:39 AM

    Some "Behind The Scenes" info is provided by (providers of the Flash platform used by WGT)  in this article:

    World Golf Tour Case Study: Hole-in-One

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 5:09 AM


    Some "Behind The Scenes" info is provided by (providers of the Flash platform used by WGT)  in this article:

    World Golf Tour Case Study: Hole-in-One

    Interesting read, 72 million golf balls hit in first 6 months, expected to double. (must be more by now). That's a lot of trips to the Pro- Shop :))

    They got the demographics right with me but I thought the straw poll we did indicated it was more 40-65 yr olds who are the core players and 18 mins was very conservative.

    Sounds like the article was written a while ago but it would have enticed me to become an investor (if they were still looking at that time). Sounds like the site has hit all its targets, if not surpassed them...

    Long Live WGT !!


  • tujay
    771 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 5:35 AM

    Thank you - this was a great read and is a great start to unwrapping the dynamics of WGT.  More please.

  • randalski
    131 Posts
    Sun, Jan 6 2013 5:37 AM

    First thinking that WGT has any interest in what you and I feel has become a standing joke.

    WGT doing anything outside of ripping off their customers and lining their own pockets with our cash would be a first for me.
                                             I love it,   that statement is as right as rain,   spot on.......wgt has  so many members, they  don't give a rats ass for us or what we do as long as we keep feeding th bucket..        i better shut up and keep a civil head for it is Sunday

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