Man who else thinks these so call help programs are getting out of hand? It's taking all the fun out of the game, now instead of skill it's who can doctor up the program the best.
Sure I tried them and I will tell you they don't work , you have to figure out if you have to add or sub. from what the program tells you 90% of the time to get it to come within 2-3 yards of the pin. Before you know it someone will figure a program that will tell you the break in the green for you.
I think it's getting way out of hand. Why compete ? your competing with a program not a player. Why don't WGT just add a feature Play WGT and you play against a computer player it's the same thing.
I for one am starting to lose interest in the game, I am not saying anything bad to the guys that have produced the programs I 'm just saying it's getting out of hand.
I guess the only thing that can be done is for WGT take away the 90 clock and make 30 the most you can get, that might help.
I love these guys who say they play by feel, and it takes them 50-55 seconds to take a shot, yeah right