jeffc46221: and that may detour some of them to play em .
I see!
yes it probably will.
They just shot themselves in the foot!
What ever happened to multiple sales at a reasonable price instead of one large hit for a few sales.
Woolworths aught to teach these kiddies something about marketing.
No brains and happy without em.
I tried to buy the avatar, you know how you can usually select colour with balls, or select , Male 1 etc with avatars etc
NOPE, no indication of whats in store for the customisation!
So I am going to assume it is a colour chart for pants, and one for shirt.
No caps.. no colour shoes, no long hair , bald hair, just coloured pants shirt and hair.
I'll keep my $5000
and buy some real clothes with it.
heck I could get more benefit spending QUARTER OF that on the little woman!