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Why waste time playing WGT tourneys???

Tue, May 20 2014 3:11 AM (46 replies)
  • alfred6dave
    26 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:01 AM

    i agree with everytingyou say

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:29 AM

    Cant see what calling out a player for suspect scores is a bad thing
    It opens the doors for cheating on the callers' side - ever heard of cyberstalking?

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Thu, Feb 7 2013 9:42 AM

    Alot of players are using 3rd party programs that by inputing wind speed, wind direction, green speed, hight, lie, ball and clubs used, will tell you what club to hit, what shot to play, where to stop the meter, where to aim

    Many of the best players do this as well, in their heads. Play enough and there's no need for any type of software to make these calculations.

  • giantfan5611
    135 Posts
    Sat, Feb 9 2013 11:46 AM

    The cheaters aren't a myth, I just watched a bunch of them on Youtube!  There was one person I was watching who somehow managed to hit a 140 yd iron 240 yards and land it a foot from the hole for a tap in birdie!

    Oh yeah....and the guy was sitting on 300,000 credits!!!!!

    Don't let people tell you you're a sore loser who needs to practice more....the cheaters are real and  they'e flanting it on Youtube!!!!

  • octodesigner
    6 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 12:18 AM

    I agree with the scores I have seen even as a legend you cannot birdy an on every hole an EG  in a tournament its impossible an hard work an practice has nothing to due with those scores no one is that good THAT you would not make a mistake or two on a tournament game I want to here a better answer than wgt gave we spend a lot of money an deserve a realistic answer


  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 1:03 AM


    I agree with the scores I have seen even as a legend you cannot birdy an on every hole an EG  in a tournament its impossible an hard work an practice has nothing to due with those scores no one is that good THAT you would not make a mistake or two on a tournament game I want to here a better answer than wgt gave we spend a lot of money an deserve a realistic answer


    Are you kidding me?


    Eff the Giant dink aboveya, but you should know better after being here since '09.

  sorta pop in her e and there, play a bit..and wonder how the low scores are posted?


    Aw well, the gig is up...the best players have been outed now...


    Thank you for reminding us.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 2:03 AM


    I agree with the scores I have seen even as a legend you cannot birdy an on every hole an EG  in a tournament its impossible an hard work an practice has nothing to due with those scores no one is that good THAT you would not make a mistake or two on a tournament game I want to here a better answer than wgt gave we spend a lot of money an deserve a realistic answer

    I checked your profile before replying as I figured you were probably a casual player using the free or very low level clubs and therefor couldn't get an idea of how easy this game can play when you have very good gear.

    So much for that theory.  Apart from the starter balls you currently have pretty much all the best equipment available to you.

    There can only be one logical conclusion:

    You're really crap at this.


    Sure there are cheats but don't bother looking for them among the leader boards of the big tourneys, they ain't there.  Those guys are just really, really good at this game and are probably annoying if they only hit 16 under for 18 holes.

    Just because you can't do something doesn't mean nobody else can.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 5:23 AM


    I agree with the scores I have seen even as a legend you cannot birdy an on every hole an EG  in a tournament its impossible an hard work an practice has nothing to due with those scores no one is that good THAT you would not make a mistake or two on a tournament game I want to here a better answer than wgt gave we spend a lot of money an deserve a realistic answer


    Apart from being the poorest written piece of English I have ever read, this sentence's content is also complete and utter drivel. It could all be condensed into one factual statement -

    " I am so, so bad at this game it is apparent to me that anyone who plays well is a cheat"

  • Johniedino
    786 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 5:56 AM

    When takes the time to do all that crap, one must not have a life...or one is on the gvmnt dole....



    HARD WORk!! 





    I haven't found the golden cheating formula, but yet I am tour legend with an average

    of 55.47

    Take care!








    HARD WORk!! 





    I haven't found the golden cheating formula, but yet I am tour legend with an average

    of 55.47

    Take care!






  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, May 18 2014 6:00 AM


    When takes the time to do all that crap, one must not have a life...or one is on the gvmnt dole....

    Call Ripley's, we've discovered a typing penis. ^ ^ ^