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Another humble request to fix/improve bunker play...

Tue, May 21 2013 10:16 PM (19 replies)
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  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 5:37 PM

    I've seen this topic before but it needs to be addressed IMO.

    This game brags that it is "the most realistic online golf game" and that very well may be the case with most of the game. The bunker play, however, is not realistic at all. To hit out of a bunker you generally have to try and land it 10-20 feet short, depending on lie and distance, and try and roll the ball out to the hole. This is not how hitting out of a bunker in real golf works. In real golf even hacks and chumps can get very good spin out of a bunker, ESPECIALLY on a good lie (comparable to the 15-20% lie in the game). I have seen my brother, who's never shot below 100 from the middle tees, hit the ball out of a bunker and actually spin it backwards once it landed. But my player on this game, who averages a 64 from the tips of some of the hardest courses in the world, is unable to get any spin whatsoever out of a bunker, even though he can spin the ball backwards with a 5 iron.... It is very unrealistic to say the least, and on some downhill shots you have no chance to get it anywhere near the hole. Since are players in this game are as good as real life pros (or better in many cases) why are they not able to do this basic shot that most real golfers can do???


    My suggestion: Have a sand shot option that only becomes available when you are in a trap, or even better just change the bunker dynamics to allow for better spin coming out of a bunker.

    I also believe the flop shot should be more usable out of a bunker since it most resembles what a real life bunker ball flight looks like.


    please consider this I believe anybody who plays golf IRL can relate to this message

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 10:13 PM

    Hi Bneyla. There really is no bunker problem. You just need to practice more I'm afraid. A lot of people want the game to be made easier when the best players can do a round in the 50's. If anything it should be made harder for realism. My sand scrambling stat is more than twice yours so look me up for a game if you want some tips.

  • Brewnoe
    41 Posts
    Fri, Jan 25 2013 10:58 PM

    I think the single biggest problem most lower tier players have with bunker shots is that it's a PITA to practice them.


    The driving range/putting green/practice area thing has been suggested forever and gone no where ... Hmm, wonder how many of those suggestions included paying x% of the Pro Shop price of whichever ball you practice with?


    Back to the bunkers specifically ... what about a CTTH Best of the Beach?

    Besides helping the lower tiers speed up their learning curve a bit, I imagine it would be a sought after bragging rights trophy for most active CCs.

    Maybe 2 longer shots (160-120), 3 mid-range (100-60) and 4 green side shots?

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 7:51 AM

    Gotta say your sand save stats are dismal (no offense)..take Courteney up on her offer.

    Was going to suggest something similar but she's better at it than me !! 

    (Might be hitting her up for a few tips myself). :-))


  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sat, Jan 26 2013 9:46 PM

    Hit into the bunkers, and play the different shots with different meter strengths and map the clubs, take notes, they really are not that hard most times. Flop is a good option also.

  • mbrown13kos
    179 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 2:29 AM

    What I would add here is just look at the Real Game and bunker shots that are played. When you have the wedges like I do (the best Cleveland's) and your in a trap that is 30-40% like most you can never stop the shot on a dime or spin it back, especially spin it back as you can do in real golf. I am a 8 handicap and an excellent bunker player and can do this for real but you can't do it on this game. This option should be included for instance while in the bunker, fbs on a flop for instance would stop or back the ball up. With this game you have to compensate for some roll out of a bunker where you don't have to do that in real golf. 

  • borntobesting
    9,774 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 3:05 AM


    I've seen this topic before but it needs to be addressed IMO.

    This game brags that it is "the most realistic online golf game" and that very well may be the case with most of the game. The bunker play, however, is not realistic at all. To hit out of a bunker you generally have to try and land it 10-20 feet short, depending on lie and distance, and try and roll the ball out to the hole. This is not how hitting out of a bunker in real golf works. In real golf even hacks and chumps can get very good spin out of a bunker, ESPECIALLY on a good lie (comparable to the 15-20% lie in the game). I have seen my brother, who's never shot below 100 from the middle tees, hit the ball out of a bunker and actually spin it backwards once it landed. But my player on this game, who averages a 64 from the tips of some of the hardest courses in the world, is unable to get any spin whatsoever out of a bunker, even though he can spin the ball backwards with a 5 iron.... It is very unrealistic to say the least, and on some downhill shots you have no chance to get it anywhere near the hole. Since are players in this game are as good as real life pros (or better in many cases) why are they not able to do this basic shot that most real golfers can do???


    My suggestion: Have a sand shot option that only becomes available when you are in a trap, or even better just change the bunker dynamics to allow for better spin coming out of a bunker.

    I also believe the flop shot should be more usable out of a bunker since it most resembles what a real life bunker ball flight looks like.


    please consider this I believe anybody who plays golf IRL can relate to this message

    Are you serious??? You say even hack in real life can put good spin on bunker shots? Most hacks in real life that I know and play with can't even get a ball out of a bunker much less put good spin on the ball. They are terrified when they hit into a bunker. And only the very very best pros can get good spin out of a bunker. A few lie Mickleson can most can't and play short and roll it up. Sure they might get one every once in a while. But like my dad used to say even a broken clock is right twice a day, With the different kinds of sand that we have in the bunkers here it is very realistic. Just learn how each course's sand acts and you will become better, 

  • bneyla1
    143 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 8:25 AM

    I think some of you are misreading my intentions here, or maybe I didn't explain myself well. I do not want bunker shots to be easier, I just want the ball to react in a more realistic way than it does now. And yes I have seen real life hacks hit a ball out of a bunker that stops, also the better players on this game are not hacks and should be compared more to the pros based on their scores. But like I said, I don't want easier bunker shots, a bunker shot is one of the hardest in golf, but I want more realistic ball flight and reaction.


    Obviously if you have a bad lie (30-40% or worse) than you have to play roll out and a lower ball flight just like real life. But the way it is set up now you have to do that even for good lies and it isn't realistic. Make the meter faster, make the misshit window much smaller, things like that to make it difficult still, but I just wanted realism.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Jan 27 2013 10:45 AM


    I think we like how bunkers work. Yes, some of them maybe playing different than others but they are very consistent and once you practice it, you should get good at it.

    Also, bunkers have varying difficulty as shown by %, where from 15-20, you can really attack the pin, while anything over 30-40, you have to layup, or really think through on your shot.


  • bennyhotnuts
    157 Posts
    Mon, Jan 28 2013 4:10 AM

    Bunker shots are very easy when you master the flop shot, I agree about the lack of spin out of the bunker though, its a bit stupid.

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