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Disconnection...really ??!!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Feb 7 2013 2:07 PM (14 replies)
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  • gethehole741
    4 Posts
    Sat, Feb 2 2013 4:24 PM

    Hi all,

    I suppose that I will not get some new friends with this post but... anyway...

    I'm pretty new here then I'm sorry if my post is  not relevant (and btw excuse me for my bad english) but really it's amazing how many disconections I can see here.

    We are in 2013 so I can not believe that so much people have connection issues.

    As far as I've understood, if you're pretty sure to lose a game, the better is to protect your index !

    Wow ! When you're playing in real life can you just imagine to do so ? Can you imagine to behave like this ?  Can you imagine to leave the game without saying anything to your partner ???

    I think that WGT should look at it.

    Let's say that each account deserve a joker per week or something like that....but really I've played so many games that obviously ended just because my partner was loosing...

    I think it's just disgusting new players to keep playing multiplayer games.

    Once again, please excuse me if I didn't catch the reality but I would really appreciate to know what WGT and other players think about it.

    Best regards...and don't forget : it's just a game...supposed to be a fair play game...if not a gentlemen game

    Good golf and have fun

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 1:51 AM

    I agree, it's a pain in the a...

    OTOH, this not the "gentlemen sport" of golf but just another computer game. Many have no experience in the former and act quite selfishly. "Why continue a game that's no (winning) fun?"

    And since there ain't no means to socially outlaw those players by he whole community and the company won't take any actions against their customers, we have to endure this. The colourtaggings are the only indication, but they also mark the victims.

    The only things to do against it are to play with friends and/or to play in a Country Club.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 1:58 AM

    Building up a good friends list and joining a good country club would help you, as they would be far less likely to quit.

  • togemag
    991 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 12:15 PM

    We are not all like that, we (the ones who will hang in there) will go thru the losing of a game. But must of them, not all (there are different situations that can come up) are what they are afraid of; "Losers", or losing. I was told (and taught) many years ago, its very good to learn to lose so you will know how to win. But as you were told earlier (by courteneyfish), find good friends and you will be happier with this game.

    TC & Hit It Straight!

    PS; "A Gentlemen's Game", be careful with that, "Ladies and Gentlemen", wink wink, lol  

  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 3:05 PM

    I totally agree ,this has been a pet peeve of mine since I started playing here . I've been at +10 and hung in till the end. It's only a game . But some people make 1 or 2 bad shots ,  and they quit !  Not forfiet , quit ,and we have to wait several minutes in limbo for the game to restart . Those people are just selfish and rude , and because of this , I won't play a game if someone has a below average completion rating. 

  • festerer
    50 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 3:19 PM

    How can i find out if someone has a "below average completion rating"???

    I'm sick of the muppets quitting and not "forfeitting",

    I could name quite a few,they piss me off!

    should have a special *** hole quitters forum so we can name them!!!

  • gethehole741
    4 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 3:24 PM

    Thank you for your answers. 

    Alosso, Courteneyfish, you're all right with the fact that it never happened to me when playing with friends. 

    I didn't look yet to enter a country club but it could be a good option also. Thanks for the advice.

    Nevertheless I'm curious to read an answer from WGT to understand their point of view.

    Togemag, for the "Ladies wink", you're right, my apologize to all ladies !...but in fact I've never played with a lady who disconnected :-)

    I also totally agree when you say that when you loose you can learn how to win the next time. 

    What is exactly the colour tag you're mentioning or the completion rating ?

    719mike, you're right the other problem is the timer. Maybe that 5 minutes is too long when you're palying a 90 sec timer game.

    Anyway, this game is great, and even if it does not change anything I wanted to share this "reflexion"...thanks again for your comments

    Gg and have fun !


  • Marco861
    357 Posts
    Sun, Feb 3 2013 6:38 PM

    There are several reasons for the disconnects, but I agree, someone who leaves because they are playing poorly is just rude.  I will not play a 2nd time with these people.  I play nightly with my brothers.  If one of us comes on after we start, we will all forfeit and restart with the tardy player.  The same if someone is booted from the game by WGT for some mysterious reason or 3 disconnects.  It's more important we all play together.  I notice sometimes one of us will have a yellow check mark.  I know this will affect us when we try to join a game with non family members, but such i the cost of loyalty.

    The main point is have FUN.  Not many people are making money playing WGT.

  • elbores
    121 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 5:18 AM

    I agree absolutely and think there should be some kind of penalization for this ones.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Feb 4 2013 7:58 AM

    I didn't look yet to enter a country club but it could be a good option also. Thanks for the advice.
    CC invite sent.

    You see the completion rating when you set up or join a multiplayer game, a tag right beside the name. It's green, yellow or orange (red), indicating the %% range of completion for certain multiplayer games (except alternate shot), calculated from your last 100 games.

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