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Easter 2013 Trophy

Fri, May 10 2013 5:03 AM (412 replies)
  • Aahna
    1,102 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 3:42 PM

    Played my final round against Funkyj (Andy) and man do i caught this guy at the wrong time ffs, he was on fire and i couldn't find my game, got my A** Whopped 6&5 :'(

    It still hurts Andy specially when i try to sit :'(


    As we saw that our match was over pretty quickly i was like lets play the 2nd round too to which Andy Agreed but this time i was up for a challenge we started good but then all of a sudden Andy started fallen apart, at the turn i was 3up and at a time i was 4up but then Andy all of a sudden started the charge again and we ended up playing SD.

    I Beat Andy on the 2nd hole of SD.

    Thanks for the games Andy.

    and Thanks to Mark for putting this tourney together.


  • Alex1321989
    378 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 4:47 PM

    Ty u2 Micke gg and very fun match.. See u on the next tournament!

    And compliments to all the other participants and Marko for the gr8 and hard tournament.



  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 5:23 PM

    Congratulation Ruben you played very well,see you next match



  • markone56
    528 Posts
    Fri, Mar 22 2013 10:40 PM


    Congratulation Ruben you played very well,see you next match



    Lol, Carlo, dear friend, this congratulations seems to be a threat... Lol.

    I know you so well, and I appreciate your sportsmanship and fairness so much, that I hope you concede me the chance to joke about (that) your words...

    Good luck to you and Ruben - that win the best !


    164 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2013 6:16 PM


    ....Gracias Carlo, solo decirte que tuve que concentrarme al máximo para poder ganar no he visto a nadie con un putter igual al tuyo as sido un grandisimo rival tanto que pudiste ser tu el que ganara, espero poder jugar con tigo algún partido amistoso mas, si tu quieres a qui tienes un amigo para ayudarte en lo que pueda.




    Carlo .... Thanks, just tell you that I had to concentrate to the maximum in order to win I have not seen anyone with a putter like yours as been a great rival so you could be the one to win, I hope to play a game with you more friendly, if you want to qui a friend to help you in any way possible.






  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Sat, Mar 23 2013 6:31 PM

    Thanks Ruben,you gr8 solid player,i'll tried but impossible for me win

    Good luck and play well



  • Tamsach
    2,823 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 12:37 PM

    Boss, have u lost? Hai perso? Mannaggia!!!!!! Bravo lo stesso. Ciaoooooo

  • AlbertoBQ
    2,560 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 4:46 AM

    Hi everybody!

    I would like to announce that the fourth hunt has been won by WigerToods2010 !

    This time it took more than one day to have a winner, and many had a chance... but John was the more careful and found the "egg" at Olympic #12.



    The Hunt for Easter Eggs will now take a small break, and will be back after the "Easter 2013 Trophy" has entered the final stage. 

    There will be a final "hunt", with a bigger prize so... stay tuned!

    PS: it looks like the gentlemen who won a prize so far never came back for the following hunts... that has been much appreciated!
    I just wanted to say that for the final hunt you should feel free to hunt again, as it will be a "different" type of hunt, very difficult (a true puzzle to solve) ... a real challenge for the detectives out there!

  • Buggyyy
    1,963 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 2:05 PM

    How are you supposed to find easter eggs?

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Mar 26 2013 2:07 PM

    how are you supposed to find a clue?