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Master vs Pro

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Thu, Jun 21 2012 12:30 PM (12 replies)
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  • kuterp
    4 Posts
    Sun, Jul 4 2010 3:42 PM

    Do you have to get lower than a certain average to become a master or does the number of rounds have any influence.  Just trying to figure out how that works.  Thanks!

  • zakibsen
    16 Posts
    Sun, Jul 4 2010 3:54 PM

    There's a magical number handed down from father to son within the admin people... once your scoring average gets down to something like 63, 64, 65 - they switch you over. From what I've heard though it's tough and you shouldn't be in too much of a hurry to get down there.

  • WildStefanie
    129 Posts
    Sun, Jul 4 2010 4:00 PM

    For your information......

    The avg to become master is 65 ... once you reach that avg they put you has a master

    Thank's Stefanie

  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 1:17 AM


    For your information......

    The avg to become master is 65 ... once you reach that avg they put you has a master

    Thank's Stefanie


    Thank's? What the hell does that mean? Thank a collective possession? lol

    It's 65.74 to be exact... which rounds up to 66.. unless they've recently changed it again.

    G.I.R.L.s are hilarious!



  • magicmark
    14 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 5:46 AM

    It has been changed I was at 65,5 and didnt give me master althought now Im back at 66 so it was probably a good thing lol


  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 10:54 AM

    From what I've heard though it's tough and you shouldn't be in too much of a hurry to get down there.

    You heard right Zak. Very wise information. The Master magical number is around those numbers you posted. My magical number was 65.56 back in December. Everyone's number will be different, that's for sure.


    A reminder to the pro's, once you make Master, there's no going back. Gain all the course knowledge you can, record all your rounds (even the bad ones), and you'll advance naturally through the tiers.  : )

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 1:17 PM

    As much as my friend SMason wants to put an exact number on it... he's wrong.

    There is no exact number as your average is not the only factor in determining your rank.  

    Play the game to the best of your ability and you will make it to Master when your game is ready for you to make Master.

    Don't be in a hurry, though... the yardages are longer, the greens are faster, and even the easiest courses will eat your lunch if you're not prepared.


  • QuikDrawlMcGraw
    4,337 Posts
    Wed, Jul 7 2010 1:25 PM

    yup once u make master you almosy have to buy at least an upgrade driver or u wont reach a lot of the par4s in 2   remember they  figure yoru average on teh best 10 of last 14 rounds played so record all u play for an accurate average.... one bad round wont hurt your average  as for oakmont LOL its really tough from master tees and i dont even wanan talk bout the qualifers LOL

  • obielee
    355 Posts
    Tue, Apr 19 2011 7:06 AM

    what is wgt caddy??

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