Just a couple of tips to a fellow Aussie.
You want 64 players to enter. From past history players enter tournaments what are well set up, well planned out, Logo, Comp page & link to sign up & all the rules of the tournament in black and white, All courses & when players must have there round finished by.
Tournament needs to be well set up and organized to draw a few of the bigger named players which in turn will draw other big name players in then which will bring other players in who want to play against these players.
Most players will agree who have followed the player run tournaments over the last 2 years most don`t get started or are ended half way or turn into a bit of drummer. Tournaments what are well set up have a better success rate of finishing & are enjoyable.
Players need information before they enter like example (how is the draw done) pick out of a hat or computer generated.
Player name and in this case which ball that player wishes to receive when he/he wins.
Who is going to monitor. chase up.make sure all players pays there balls.
Just a few little things to consider (constructive feedback)
-regards sunny-