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How does WGT monitor New Accounts

Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:04 PM (78 replies)
  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 1:59 PM

    I'll try to save your head :)

    Of course this is feasable, as all activities are saved in databases as long as they are visible on a player's profile.

    You need a concept to detect those "irregular" users, program the database requests and the flags to inform the operators. That's about all :)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 2:34 PM


    While I do believe you will get new legends creating new accounts, however if they have "limitations", do you honestly believe the are able to completely fund a new account with equipment, bars and balls solely at first with credits from the old account.

    In some instances, no, but if they have accrued credits from legend accounds yes. Also where they have multiple accounts, they could easily earn enough credits from simoly doing survets, videos etc. This would take time but is very plausable.

    As for generating revenue, it is my belief (as above) the multi accounter does not. HOWEVER there is a flow on effect - the players they play against lose their credits in skins etc and therefore would need to replenish their accounts. Also the higher the number count for WGT, I assume they can acheive a  higher and more lucrative advertising market.

    And great advice for players entering any credit match, and I hope many players take heed. Sadly wherever money/credits is concerned you will always get people who will rort any system. But I firmly believe that WGT should put as many systems in place to PREVENT and minimize similar occurences.

  • Braidan1218
    101 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 2:46 PM

    I don't know if it can be applied here, but I moderate a hockey board and we were having problems as we would ban troublemakers and they would just create a new account and laugh at any attempts to keep the boards civil.

    The solution was that all accounts created had to provide a cellphone number and they were texted a pin that had to be entered to complete the application.  You CANNOT use the same number twice.


    Could WGT not have people verify their account by having ALL players enter a valid cellphone number and then enter a PIN to confirm. 

    Was simple enough for us to implement at the hockey site and has cut down TREMENDOUSLY on trolling.

    Just an idea.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 3:05 PM


    Ok so I have spent the last few minutes thinking about this now, what can be done?

    WGT cannot clone Icon 30 times, not likely afford this, so I propose WGT hire people who will work for credits.

    You give these people the ability to follow the credits and see more information in the profile, they would follow the credits and make reports and recommendations to a higher authority.

    For every account disabled as a result, 2000 credits in payment.

    WGT should immediately start this, and recruit through private message.

    A great idea but also easy to program a report they could generate on a weekly basis to flag these accounts. Yes as a community we can help, but we are still attacking the disease rather than preventing it from occuring.

    I have mentioned award/reward programs in the past which effectively does not exist. Perhaps WGT should give the community an incentive to report these cases - a sleeve of balls etc (this I know will fall on deaf ears lol)

    As for tracking IP addresses, yes this is easy to identify user names to IPs, and could highlight some cases, but its also very easy to change IP addresses. As pointed out many households have more than 1 genuine player and no-one wants to hurt those players and we live in a mobile world playing from more than a desktop at home. But it can be used as a tool for indentifying an IP address where there are many accounts.

    I will thank all for contributing their ideas, hopefully WGT will listen and take some suggestions on board. This is one topic that gets me pretty riled, like a lot of the community. Sometimes actions speak louder than words, it would be nice for WGT to do so by taking a pro-active stance rather than a re-active one.



  • brianusa
    187 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 3:06 PM

    We do follow all the reports we receive and while we cannot disclose the results, they do happen:)

    Follow the reports to what?  I would never expect results to be disclosed.  But I've never seen the 'expected' action taken on blatant cases of cheaters.

    Awe fuggit, easier to look at the receipts of the reported multi accounter and turn a blind eye.

    Folks, that is reason this game will never leave "Beta" status.  WGT hides behind that beta game clause in the AUP and if the game leaves "Beta", the clause will leave.

    Should that occur, the California Attorney General's Office would be willing to investigate the operators of this gaming site for fraudulent conduct.

  • borntobesting
    9,752 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 3:31 PM

    Follow the reports to what?  I would never expect results to be disclosed.  But I've never seen the 'expected' action taken on blatant cases of cheaters.

    And how do you know that the expected actions were not taken if they don't disclose what actions that they did take? If you don't like how WGT runs the site then just leave, no one is forcing you to stay against your will.

  • KevinFleenor
    1,455 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 3:42 PM


    If you don't like how WGT runs the site then just leave, no one is forcing you to stay against your will.

    The apathetic 'like it or leave it" philosophy some of you people adopt is mind-numbing. 

    Some people look at a product they like, and try to make it better. That's a good thing. 

    If you don't like how the wgt community voices these opinions, hey -  "no one is forcing you to stay" in the thread. 

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 4:12 PM

    so sick of this crap.  every time i turn around i'm partnered with or playing against a friggin tour master or legend who's gotten that tier in less than a month.  last one was TM in 20 days.  What a fricken joke

    my partner was smart and forfeited .......i was about to do the same on 3rd hole.  so arrogant about it too, these players are.  all you hear is so what hahahahahahah, laughing in our faces and wgt's.   

    like teachers outta school and no class

  • brianusa
    187 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 4:26 PM

    And how do you know that the expected actions were not taken if they don't disclose what actions that they did take?

    At one time the multi accounter created and friended 10 free new accounts.  Later (weeks after reporting the activities), same said person was in here complaining about getting promoted too fast or some crap.  Someone else looked at his account and ratted him out in the thread.

    Yet to this day, these accounts still exist....

    You might be familiar with a certain family of nutty cheeze groupies as well....

    If you don't like how WGT runs the site then just leave, no one is forcing you to

    I see you posting this crap in numerous threads.  Why?