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How does WGT monitor New Accounts

Wed, Jul 16 2014 2:04 PM (78 replies)
  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 6:42 AM

    This thread has gone on too long without my comments. I don't think WGT can mess with my game any more than they have (VEM). Maybe it is time for me to open a new account, come back as a female squirrel. No one would recognize me. Or I will just crawl high in the trees, and occasionally throw some free nuts to the honest masses below. If you have made it to the tips in record time, and are on the leader boards, please don't look for free nuts. You are a very dishonest individual, need no help, deserve no help, and SHAME ON YOU.

    Thank you, I'll be here all week.

    Please tip the waitresses and the bar tender.

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 7:20 AM


    i wonder how many members wgt does have if we took all the muti accounts away hmmm

    I'm going to respond to both your comments.

    First after 3 months you are close to breaking par, and we are talking about individuals shooting 12 - 15 below par over 18 holes and smoking players that have been here for years and all that after 2 weeks and you do not think something is fishy there or they are cheating.?

    In answer to your second question, I have estimated 60,000.


  • CarlPhillips
    5 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 8:03 AM

    Good Point  Man,

    Truth of the matter is, Why does WGT care about multiple accounts. Well lets take a look at why they don't care if people have multiple accounts. 1- They can use it as a marketing strategy, ( They can use this as a means of recruiting new adds and sponsors) Just look at all the members we have here at WGT, all these people will see you products while playing on WGT, 2-  Some point in time, the people who create another account to play in the tournaments to win credits, will eventually buy better clubs so they can win the tournaments to get more credits,  As a result these credits come from someone and WGT is happy to sell as many as they can. And I do agree with you on every thing you said, and it is totally unfair to the people who start from scratch. But is becoming more prevalent that many Legends, T-masters, and masters are creating new accounts to dominate tournaments so they can win the credits to pad their other account to buys balls and better equipment. And if you and I can see this happening, why can't WGT see it. Perhaps they do and don't care, Chances are, nothing will ever be done about it, because they aren't going to stop something in which they profit from.


  • pipeman1370
    109 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 9:47 AM

    A VEM is a Virtual Ethernet Module that uses switching modules in a Virtual Module game and control plan software running in a Virtual Switching Module. What that means is if you make a lot of noise about how bad WGT  is, they can slap that VEM on you every time you come on line. It doesn't start right away. You may get 2 or 3 holes real well and then

    Somewhere that  wind that was 20 mph right to left  wasn't there when you hit the ball. Or that 1/2 of a block on your meter that the break showed was not right and your ball rolled right across the right edge of the hole and kept going. All this is designed to get you to buy better golf clubs and balls which guarantees WGT an income. How do you think they know when that Callaway ball you have been using is time for it to go. 

    They know how many people they have that will buy and how much revenue it brings each month. They have to, they own the game. They also know how many people don't spend  money on this game. Those are the ones that are effected by their practices.

    I have been a WGT fan for over a year. I love golf and play as often as I can an have a 4 handicap. WGT golf is fun and a great social atmosphere but it has been ruined by this tactic newly applied. 

    With the new green speeds and check marks of quitters came a cost to the players and it's not right to harass and aggrevate  your customers. They are the heart of your business. I'm seeing  more and more mention of this VEM. Changes need to be made to take that off an go back to what it was when it was fun.

    Players have their own ability and everyone knows that better golf clubs and golf balls will make a difference in how close you can come to the green so that you can use a wedge to get close and have it stick and not roll 20 ft past.

    Those who can't afford to spend use survey credits for purchasing but when the surveys disqualify you before you have answered any questions it's apparent someone has let them know to cut that person off. The survey will never respond to your questions or have new surveys as they say they do. Anyway, a lot of things need to change or the comments will get more and more frequent and you WGT will loose more and more players.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 10:05 AM

    Well in my opinion Pipeman, that is absolute nonsense. Do you really think that WGT are stupid enough to perfom that sort of stuff? What would they have to gain?

  • spenc0007
    100 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 12:26 PM

    i have seen this  before 

  • nerve60
    287 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 1:00 PM

    Some of you are suggesting that multi-accounts be monitored and controlled by the IP. If WGT limits each IP to 1 account, they would lose a significant amount of income. I know a family that I work with that has 3 accounts on the same computer for the 3 members of their household.

    My rank with WGT is Legend and I have plenty of credits and have put over $50 into this game. My oldest son also plays wgt for "fun". Should WGT suspend our accounts because we both play from the "only" computer in my house? I even have a $20 gift card that I havnt even applied to my account yet. WGT would lose that source of income if we were suspened.

    My point being: WGT can not and will not handle multi-accounting by IP's. They would be closing down the website and game if they did so.

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 1:03 PM

    There's enough conspiracies on here that would take Alex Jone's and the "truthers" a decade to wade through :)

    Simple fact is, if wgt meddle with play, then they meddle with everyone's game.The trick is to play through the troubled times and get through it quickly.

    Just like the real game, if you keep getting peeved at crap shots, then it's usually gonna be a bad round. Accept the bad shots, move on and try to recover the round, just like real pros do.

    That's golf.

    How do WGT monitor new accounts? Probably random spot checks OR until someone brings a dubious account to their attention.



  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 1:29 PM

    You can change your IP!

    This argument is redundant!

  • BOBTX61
    311 Posts
    Sun, Mar 3 2013 2:12 PM

    I tend to agree with what you wrote, "Pipeman".

    And, to answer your question of "WHY"'s called "smart marketing" to increase "revenues"!  It's really that SIMPLE!