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Sun, May 29 2016 1:40 AM (25 replies)
  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 1:51 PM


    I'm Manx and proud. The oldest parliament in the world you know.

    I can confirm that she is........ and we did.

    BTW Madam....... the bit about light periods on that other thread was absolute quality !


  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Fri, Mar 8 2013 2:42 PM



    Just have to keep trying I generally get 5 or 6 done every week




    He lives in Canada, like I live in Costa Rica. There is no keep trying. We don't get any surveys, ever.  I am lucky if I recieve an extra video for a few credits once ever 3 months and it usually involves like some stupid tv show on my facebook account to get it.

    I, too understand, that the advertisers need to work where they make there money, but it would be nice to get something here or there.  Funny thing is, I am american. I still have an american address and credits cards and drivers license and still buy a ton of stuff from america and ship it down here, so the advertisers are missing out big with me, just cuz of my IP address.  Oh and if the advertisers are listening, even tho I speak a fair amount of Spanish, English is my native tongue.  Just cuz my ip address is Costa Rica, doesn't mean I want everything presented to me in Spanish. Try using your cookies and spyware to recognize that my entire computer is in English, the only thing spanish is my ip address.

    Maybe a VPN or proxy is in order soon

    at least 1 person gets it !! i don't know if it would help you to change flags - but i agree it's IP address is what counts. but still how many of us in percentage live outside of these two countries ?

  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 4:58 AM


    - but i say that you are responsible for everything put on your website !! 

    Absolutely dead right Mate..... and never let anyone tell you any different !


  • micheldess
    819 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 10:29 AM

    I have not many  offers in my country, it's hard to earn  free credits here in belgium and i'm  a little bit discouraged to play with the starters all the time.

    I will buy  one or two clubs  with my money in the futur, but  more free  offers in belgium shall help me so.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 12:00 PM

    Surveys , are about demographics , and marketing products for sale Because of your location , many of the sponsors , may not sell their products in your country or region . Just because I live in the US ,I dont always qualify either. So keeping that in mind , this is an issue that truly is out of WGTs hands. Happy Swinging 

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Mar 10 2013 1:13 PM

    ^^^ This post deleted ^^^

  • CaptBadDad
    15 Posts
    Tue, Mar 12 2013 11:46 PM

    Um, Bypass, I'm American and have every bit as much issue with these surveys as you do. I get disqualified without ever even answering a question sometimes. And other times, these are the ones that truly piss me off, I spend 10 minutes answering all kinds of questions, and THEN get dq'd. Sometimes its a race questions that gets me booted, sometimes it seems to hinge on how much $$ I make, as if that is any of their business. It all sucks, and I agree with you that WGT should be responsible for the 3rd parties that they allow to do 'business' on their website. LIke others surely do, I have thought about lying about some of these things, but wasn't raised to lie, so guess I'll just have to deal with it the way it exists. Good luck, keep 'em in the short grass

  • JBaldoni
    892 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 4:12 PM

    Like CaptBadDad, I get disqualified on every survey I try. It's aggrevating, but I keep trying. I guess being single, female, and childless have their own rewards, even if it DQs me from all the surveys!

  • flascrambler
    3 Posts
    Wed, Mar 13 2013 4:38 PM

    Are you seeing anyone? LOL


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, Mar 14 2013 12:49 PM

    I guess being single, female, and childless

    I'm not, but play one when doing surveys. :-)