Veterans of all countries, you are welcome here in A Band of Brothers.
WE are a club of members that hold their heads high, proud of their service to their country, and carry the values they learned forward into their lives. Every member in the club is a voice in the activity in the club and we encourage very active participation by everyone.
Most of us use Skype so we can talk as we play. We have found that to be an incredible tool for not only getting to know each other but also a huge tool in helping lower tier players to learn the game and WGT.
We have tournaments running at all times, many of them set up by members of all tiers. We also have a tournament director that is always coming up with new and clever tournaments that appeal to all tiers and levels of competition.
We have players of all ages and encourage anyone that is a Veteran, family of a veteran or of an active duty person, and supporters of veterans to come check us out:
Please feel free to send a friend request to mgbIrish, TheDuckinator, Phiber or any member of the club for more information. We will have a website up and running in the very near future where members will have trophy rooms, a chat room, and many other amenities that will make their membership even more fun and memorable.
mgbirish default.aspx
TheDuckinator default.aspx
phiber default.aspx