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Another Prodigy...

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Sun, Mar 24 2013 8:43 AM (54 replies)
  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 9:12 AM

    You Know Chris i could look at your profile and take your average and ranked rounds into account Then assume that you must quit a lot to keep you average so it true i have no idea.....But this is what you and everyone else here does...You have no idea who the person is or how well they play or anything else, you just run here to the Forum and start Blasting.. Screaming that WGT has to do something. If you haven't figured it out WGT doesn't care about Multi-accounts,sand long as the get paid who cares is there attitude....Just look at the old post from 2 to 3 years ago, mirror image of whats being said today and yesterday..If they didn't do anything then why would things change now..........Greg

  • duffer19
    3,670 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 9:58 AM

    you're 100% incorrect :)

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:09 AM

    This is a joke, why don't you self professed columbo's leave this to WGT.

    I looked at the profile, so he beat some H, A, mediocre P TP and a couple of mediocre M in MPC, but you ignore the facts and immediately make up some fiction to justify your own desire to form a lynch mob.

    IMHO you have once again targeted an innocent individual who choose to maybe practice the game for a few months before playing ranked rounds.

    You have absolutely no proof whatsoever that that did not occur.

    And Chris, while it sounds nice and makes a nice sound bite, it could of been his 1500th round. But that does not matter, because you have such an elevated opinion of yourself, you figure you can just BS people into believing whatever you wish with a simple twist of the facts.

    What you just go through all the pro tier scores and target the leader over and over again because they don't fit into your mold of what should of happened.

    You guys making these accusations are worse scumbags than the people you are searching for.


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:11 AM

    You Know Chris i could look at your profile and take your average and ranked rounds into account Then assume that you must quit a lot to keep you average so it true i have no idea.....But this is what you and everyone else here does...You have no idea who the person is or how well they play or anything else

    Assume what you want to think. My average is genuine, A BAD ROUND FOR ME IS 60,61 or 31, 30. Which as i ONLY play READY GO's are clearly visible amongst all the other low scores.  You get to a point where average DOESN'T GO UP, gets saturated so even a 68 wont make the slightest difference.

    You dont have to know any player to realize when someone scores 58 on the same day they joined as many these multy's do or go on a winning streak after they joined.  Most HONEST players take a few days or weeks to get familiar with the game and its these HONEST players who are aginst the multy account cheats who are cheating THEM out of HONEST credits.  Well, If you want to defend these players Its up to you, Its not up to me to ask the reasons why??

    All I'm pointing out is that for some one who is a very low level player (doesn't your level go up even with practice rounds but not average)  for a player to be defeating player after player between level 20 & 30 is a truly gifted individual, thats all.  And to say that has only 45 ranked rounds and 41 of those are tournaments and to finish in top ten in 27 of them on such a low level is truly amazing feat.  Good luck to him/her if they're genuine, I'm just giving MY OPINION, it may be right or wrong but i'm just judging people by my own standards, I'm quite good at PC games take to them immediately, but it took me many week to get to grips with this game and to progress so I'm just amazed when some one comes out and scores 58 on the day they joined toi win a ready go (this is just example of score from previous posts, not this guy)

    And Chris, while it sounds nice and makes a nice sound bite, it could of been his 1500th round. But that does not matter, because you have such an elevated opinion of yourself, you figure you can just BS people into believing whatever you wish with a simple twist of the facts.

    IF that was the case he would be a much HIGHER LEVEL.

    Ohh, just to let you know, I dont spend a single SECOND trolling through anything searching for any player, I just have a look to amuse myself when some one else points a player out because It makes me smile.  players that call the genuine players like the OP who care about this and want to try and make game a better HONEST game "scumbags" only points to one thing to me..  

  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:21 AM

    multi accounters are just part of the game now......unless nobody's point folks falling out over something that's never gonna change....and in fact the equipment is geared up for MA's now better than it ever has been.

    as for any legends choosing to play a random level 20 player in mp or mpc........well that kinda says it all eh? looking for easy win but then gets humped by the *cough *cough wolf in sheep's clothing :)

    too funny.

  • thesupernova
    7,344 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:48 AM

    Some people just like to complain

    peep over the fence to see what their neighbor is doing.

    It would be nice to see some positive input in the forums

    but that would show character

    An elevated moral code.

    Probably too much too ask.

    Before worrying about the clutter of someone's back yard,

    Tend to your own garden.

    We all have choices,

    if you don't like what you see

    simply move on.


  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 11:19 AM


    Some people just like to complain

    Indeed they do Madam......... exactly like you have just done !

  • thesupernova
    7,344 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 11:36 AM



    Some people just like to complain

    Indeed they do Madam......... exactly like you have just done !


    Definition of COMPLAIN

    : to make a formal accusation or charge
    — com·plain·er noun
    — com·plain·ing·ly  adverb


    ob·serve   (b-zûrv)
    v. ob·servedob·serv·ingob·serves

    1. To take notice.
    2. To say something; make a comment or remark.
    3. To watch or be present without participating actively: We were invited to the conference solely to observe.
    In summation:
    I conferred with Dr.Jedi...
    She  agrees with my observations.
    Thank you & goodbye


  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 12:00 PM



    You dont have to know any player to realize when someone scores 58 on the same day they joined as many these multy's do or go on a winning streak after they joined. 

    Well, If you want to defend these players Its up to you, Its not up to me to ask the reasons why??

    All I'm pointing out is that for some one who is a very low level player (doesn't your level go up even with practice rounds but not average)  for a player to be defeating player after player between level 20 & 30 is a truly gifted individual, thats all.

    IF that was the case he would be a much HIGHER LEVEL.

    Ohh, just to let you know, I dont spend a single SECOND trolling through anything searching for any player, I just have a look to amuse myself when some one else points a player out because It makes me smile.  players that call the genuine players like the OP who care about this and want to try and make game a better HONEST game "scumbags" only points to one thing to me..

    Quote para 1: There you go again, in an attempt to target this guy you make the statement leading someone to believe that he shot 59 in his first ever round, when that is not the case here, why lie, to prove a point you can use the forums to bully some guy.

    Quote #2 I'm not defending a multi, I'm defending a player from the false made up accusation.

    Quote para 3 and 4 You have been around here long enough to know the answer to that is NO, but it sounds nice for your claim, man you are to much, look if you don't like the guy or something, take it up on your own time, but to come in here and try a lynch him is ridiculous. He beat some hacks and a couple of medocre a little higher tier, he was obviously choosy about who he played, but let's ignore that fact, and say "player after player", it sounds so much better.

    Quote para 5: I don't care what you do for kicks, but you are wrong to accuse someone based on the lies you make up about what you find in the profile.

    Look there are plenty of obvious multis to target if you so desire, but why did you target this guy and make up a bunch of lies and call them facts.




  • Glossopade
    518 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 12:15 PM


    I conferred with Dr.Jedi...

    She  agrees with my observations.

    Thank you & goodbye

I'm sure she knows best. Goodbye..... and thank you.