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Still $30 of kit free

rated by 0 users
Tue, Mar 19 2013 5:49 PM (31 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:43 AM

    TEAM PINK still undefeated lol

    When I get back we'll carry on the run.. J ?  :))

  • fmagnets
    3,640 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:46 AM

    I suggest taking a look at 21AS21111's equipment and gift him some irons or another wedge if you feel like it. Plays a lot, contributes a lot on the forum, but the poor fella is still on starter irons!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 10:49 AM

    Andy, a sleeve of balls if you wouldnt mind. And if it turns out you do actually decide to stay, then i will send them back to you.

    Sent, but not that I won't be back I just feel it is time for a time out for many reasons..the least being I haven't left this chair for a year (it feels) :))

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 11:00 AM


    I suggest taking a look at 21AS21111's equipment and gift him some irons or another wedge if you feel like it. Plays a lot, contributes a lot on the forum, but the poor fella is still on starter irons!

    Just looked and went  to sending him G20 irons but he is a level off....he WILL get them (  hopefully he is only 1000 xp away :)))  )..nice call FM


    2,580 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 11:02 AM

    Cheers Andy, i hear ya mate. Look after yourself while you take the back seat, and i will defo keep an eye on things with you, to send them back when needed.

  • SugaBrown
    5 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 11:02 AM


    TEAM PINK still undefeated lol

    When I get back we'll carry on the run.. J ?  :))

    My name is Mariah and I'm a lowly level 61 tour pro. Last time I asked for free stuff I was accused of being a multi-accounter/sandbagger. I had really vile messages left on my wall which I have since deleted. I am neither as my equipment and STATS will show. It seems like anyone NEW these days is an automatic multi or a recycled Legend or something according to the community. The drama was awful. I am a nurse who belongs to a really small CC but it is active. My roommates/flat mates play too but they are just as bad! LOL! I am very ashamed to ask again and I only have 28 credits so I cannot do anything for anyone else, but if you choose me I would really appreciate it. Ping K15 iron set?

    Without being too intrusive, are you really leaving? I hope not as I know I'm not the only one who thinks you are one of the Good Guys!


    P.S. Which course is good for me to work on my average as I am getting tired of St. Andrew's front 9?

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 11:08 AM

    Speak / play  soon all..need to get back to the 10K's a day, this 43 yr old paunch ( WGT's Fault ) is not looking good....and considering Summer is coming and I'm not going to spend it sitting in front of a computer  like last year then it's time for a health kick..

    Start running..

    Stop smoking....

    And have more sex...

    Always worked in the past. :))

  • Bellabluesilver
    60 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 12:11 PM

    I need a 3 wood dont even have one in my bag :)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 12:43 PM

    Have fun (point 3 in particular lol) Andy and good luck and see you soon. You are too generous and you are a genuine asset to the community,

  • BlondinJDB
    46 Posts
    Tue, Mar 19 2013 4:57 PM

    Andy...admit've got March Basketball Madness in your blood, (or Baseball's Spring Training fever) and that's why you need to take a break for awhile.  We all get that at this time of will pass in a few weeks and you'll be back at WGT...we can all only hope!  

    I've been in WGT less than 3 months...and like many (including yourself) I'm addicted to it.  That could be bad...because addicts can't have a "life" outside what they are addicted to.  So just take some time off...and come back as strong as ever.  Are you allowed to come back in and start your adventure all over again as a Hack/Starter?  Wouldn't that be a humbling experience for all of actually go back to our roots. 

    Whenever I play matches with those ranked lower than I...first I thank them for not being afraid to accept a match with someone ranked higher than they are.   Then I remember where I came from and ask them if it's alright to make "helpful" suggestions along the way as we play.  Not just suggestions about their play...but suggestions about what I'm about to do with my shot, and what I need to consider in trying to make that shot.  In other words, at that point it's not the win/loss..or score that matters, it's the "helpfulness" (or at least the attempt of being helpful) that matters. 

    I looked at your profile...and you are for real (that is one of the real "gifts" to WGT...and humanity).  If you do leave WGT...may I suggest (if you have the time) not so much the gifting of equip to others...but leave your legacy impact by writing down your thoughts about what golf/WGT has meant to you.  What tips can you pass along to the rest of us to make our WGT journey as enjoyable as possible.  What did you do right?  Where did you stumble?  How did you improve?  What aspect of the game did you work the hardest at?  How do you get better?  What computer tipscan you offer?  What equipment worked best for you at various stages of your career?  etc., etc. etc.

    This could probably end up as a best seller book...but I'd be inerested in hearing about what you have to say?  May I sum it up by just saying,  "'re the MAN".  Good luck with the 4 things you look forward to (as mentioned in a prior POST above).  As a prior runner (I was not that bad in my prime), the knees don't last a runner for as long a your knees stay healthy.  Running gives you a "high" and actually may be better for you than sex (but don't give that up either...cause it doesn't last forever either)!