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Rescue your ball

Fri, Jun 7 2013 4:57 AM (29 replies)
  • KadeReis
    16 Posts
    Sun, Mar 24 2013 4:30 PM

    I would like to suggest to WGT a possibility to rescue the lost balls. Maybe through a catcher, when we will some credits to him. Thank you. Ricardo 

  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 7:33 AM

    I, for one, would give 700 credits to rescue a 100 credit ball.

  • PaulUrwin
    14 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 9:58 AM

    Certainly when you hit the ball in the water they should not be lost. In the real world you would just roll up your sleeves or trousers and retrieve it.

    Unless of course the shot is very wayward and you hit it into the middle of a lake.

    I'm sick of having balls taken of me for hitting a foot or two into shallow water.


    Pathetic shots yes, but pathetic ruling also.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 10:36 AM

    Sick enough to stop buying balls and/or quit playing WGT?

    No one takes balls from you.

    I hate it when I ***-up, push the limits to hard, and lose a ball. But that's life, and I don't blame WGT for my mistakes.



  • TarheelsRule
    5,607 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 10:55 AM

    Frankly I have no real issue with the balls going in the water or out of bounds being a lost ball that can't be retrieved.

    This isn't real golf and having to program so that a ball going in a lake 3 feet from the shore being one you can retrieve versus one bing 6 feet away that you can't retrieve is something I'm sure WGT does not want to fool with.

    I would rather have them put the time and effort into improving the drops that occur when you hit into a lateral hazard.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Mon, Mar 25 2013 3:56 PM

    I would rather have them put the time and effort into improving the drops that occur when you hit into a lateral hazard



  • DZumwalt1
    6 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 2:18 AM

    what really sucks is if you do hit one in the water,, you don't get to drop,, come on if we are supposed to be playing by the rules,, then get the *** right,, or take the game off the net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • fronny25
    280 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 1:17 PM

    u get yr hits and thats fair,,,if u hit water,or hazard...yr ball should still be there untill yr hits have gone....

    then not only do u get what u pay for,,u can go for danger shots with good balls aswell..

  • AGibbs1
    53 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 1:26 PM

    I hear that, but I know too that this game is in beta and that might not happen. I was losing so many balls that I just switch back to the standard and stayed with them every since. Usually when someone hit a ball in shallow water; they just go over there and pick it up, but I don't know if that will ever be put into the game.


    Now full blown rivers, nah; I'll let that ball go! Lol

  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, May 21 2013 1:32 PM

    if it's not OB or in deep water, it shouldn't be taken away! and yet it does.
    in many times, it landed by a bush and was declared lost,
    eve though I could see it with my own eyes.

    SO! you could advice wgt to revisit the whole "lost ball" policy,
    and maybe introduce the option to play a provisional,
    and then have like a 30 second maze game to simulate
    a virtual searching of the ball, I dunno, all I know is,
    that lost ball policy is draconian and can be very unfair sometimes
    but it is making wgt a $**t load of money, so that's the end of that I suppose...