srellim234:People need to come to grips with the reality that such a suggestion is NOT going to happen.
Discussed ad infinitum. HOWEVER, recent changes in the Pro Shop mean that worthy Legend equipment is now available in sensible time frames. I was as vociderous as any one in encouraging a shake. Since it has happened you now get access to real Legend drivers at L81, 84 and by 89 the SLDR.
When you consider L70 is XP 140215, L81 XP 222415, L84 XP 275515, and L89 the super SLDR XP 428488 it's fairer now than for the player. Basically play 1 par 3 tourney a day (12 minutes of time and you will be learning also) and take the daily XP come what may (via community link 1 hole if must) it's two month's stroll to L81. Those that play a bit more it's easily way less. Now when the first real Legend driver (IMO) was L88 and the real deal L94 (xp 929258) I thought that was nuts. WGT have sorted that one a way as fair as possible to the player bearing in mind they must remain a hard nosed business. No sympathy for that one any more - my opinion.
srellim234:The tough part is working out the tiers at which each club reaches peak performance and making sure that the amount of degredation ensures the better clubs will actually perform worse in the hands of the pro than the game improvement club
Absolutely disagree.
Clubs should perform exactly the same for all once bought. The pro shop would get incredibly complicated saying what dots apply which levels, and WGT would run the risk of not selling so many.
If you take it to it's natural conclusion lower level clubs would need to downgraded to force people to pay more, and so as argument against sandbagging I can't see it holding water either.
WGT want to encourage sales, but I can't see lower level clubs becoming either redundant or just closer (if not downgraded) to L90 R11 performance being the way.
EDIT: I would always say to people be aware of the set up before making early leaps. I can see how it happens unknowingly though. Certainly non gaming me I just came across this and started playing it and playing it LOL. Suddenly Legend, big jump, then I started looking at things. Equipment shake ups though take the complaints away now....Not ideal for the player but a sensible balance bearing in mind business needs.