my story is slightly different to those others in this thread because it was my son that got me playing the game about 10 years ago.
he came home from school 1 day and said that the P.E teacher had taken the class to the local driving range. he went on and on about how good it was and would i take him, well i put him off as long as i could, then agreed to take him.we got 100 balls between us and borrowed a driver. hit the ball a few times and thought what a waste of time , then i hit a long straight 1 and was hooked.
my son was 8 at the time and we have played golf together at least once a week since, he is 18 now and nearly always beats me.
i owe an awful lot to golf because me and my son are great fiends because we bonded through golf , in those difficult teenage years when he was growing up we would play golf and we would talk as true equals, not father and son .
anyone who says golf is just a game has never had the experience of seeing the absolute pride i saw in my son's eyes the 1st time he beat me, to be honest with you it brings a tear to my eyes thinking of it now.
thanks golf i owe you
P.S. my real name is Mike , but my user name on this golf game is Liam ,i think that says everything