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Ready Go Win !!!!!!!

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Mon, Jul 29 2013 6:21 AM (18 replies)
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  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 3:07 AM

    so an AMATEUR wins a RG on kia, front 9, fast greens ,brutal winds, with a score of 25,

    yes 25 and you pay out 1200 creds to his account ?????

    come on that's the most blatant form of sandbagging multi-accounting cheating ive ever seen !!!   just look at his stats,dont have to be a rocket scientist to work it out.

    WGT get your act together else you will have no one left to play RGs. i may as well just start up a new account and rob everyone of thier winnings....unbelievable.

    also what are wgt doing to combat this problem ? cos it feels like ive been done over big time .

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 3:28 AM

    Disclaimer: I'm not advocating sandbagging, multi-accounting or second accounts.

    Alas, Sandbagging is not an offence here.

    Can you prove multi-accounting?

    It may well be a Legend or TL looking for some fun, giving up his account and starting over.

    Second account, yes, bad sport, yes, but yes, legit, acc. to the T&C which you and I accepted. If so, what should WGT do? Tell him, we'll punish you for respecting the rules? LOL!

    Eventually, it's all to their profit. 

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 3:52 AM

    Alas, Sandbagging is not an offence here.

    so ill start up a new account then :)

    Can you prove multi-accounting?

    Uhh!!! so you really think an amateur can shoot a 25 on kia in high winds after only a couple months of playing ????

  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 3:55 AM

    The re-start policy is clear.

    You MAY NOT earn credits until you reach the tier of your "old account"

    So any TL starting over legitimately may NOT earn until they get back to TL, simple as that. Feel free to confirm this with Icon as I did a couple of months back when I considered restarting.

    Just check the top 3 of the Pro Kiawah rg for even more "fleecing"!!

    Pathetic but for reasons unknown WGT keep paying them out while innocent pro's are losing out.

    WGT have lost control it appears..


  • gazcoll
    341 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 4:44 AM

    What makes it worse his/her 2 rounds since,77 whistler f9 rg and 75 oakmont b9 rg it stinks more than a tramps knickers

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 5:10 AM


    Alas, Sandbagging is not an offence here.

    so ill start up a new account then :)

    Different issue, but why not? Ask WGT, it's legit.


    Can you prove multi-accounting?

    Uhh!!! so you really think an amateur can shoot a 25 on kia in high winds after only a couple months of playing ????

    Different issue again, you misinterpret my question.

    I'm dead certain that this lifeform has been playing here before, but, is any old account still in use?

    OTOH, Lizard made me look at the T&C again, and as a result, only restaters with WGT's consent are legal. The "no wins" condition might be a precondition. Thus, any "highly talented" guy must be in their list. If not, BANG!


    Edit: WGT should publish this "no wins in lower tiers" condition!




    What makes it worse his/her 2 rounds since,77 whistler f9 rg and 75 oakmont b9 rg it stinks more than a tramps knickers

    This I don't understand. Why should one pay in vain to rise his average? A simple stroke play would do?

    Is it that losses in RGs slow down the tier-up sequence?


  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 6:05 AM



    Alas, Sandbagging is not an offence here.

    so ill start up a new account then :)

    Different issue, but why not? Ask WGT, it's legit.


    Can you prove multi-accounting?

    Uhh!!! so you really think an amateur can shoot a 25 on kia in high winds after only a couple months of playing ????

    Different issue again, you misinterpret my question.

    I'm dead certain that this lifeform has been playing here before, but, is any old account still in use?

    OTOH, Lizard made me look at the T&C again, and as a result, only restaters with WGT's consent are legal. The "no wins" condition might be a precondition. Thus, any "highly talented" guy must be in their list. If not, BANG!

    To quote Icon when I asked about restarting,

    "You may close your old account, you may NOT gift clubs and/or credits to your new account, you may not enter any Ready go's, MPC, Blitz until you reach the tier of your old account"

    I wish I knew a viable solution to give WGT but how can they keep tabs on every single rg/mpc/blitz? The truth is, they cant. That's where we come in I believe, to point these things out and hope they are resolved.

    Pointing them out in the forums doesnt help, it just angers people and creates the whole "witch hunt" scenario again.

    Report them directly to icon or shoe, they aren't stupid.


  • DAZZA501
    5,972 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 6:16 AM

    Don't forget his 55 in the Kiawah full 18 RG Steve. Another 1800cr won in that 1 too.

  • nikic123
    639 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 7:03 AM

    only a german could of said that steve lol 

  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Sun, Apr 14 2013 8:29 AM
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