If that amateur is a legit-emit player then I'm MrWGT and from now on all balls are free in the pro shop.
You can see with his score history, playing a round of putting challenge every day just to keep daily bonus to level up so It doesn't take up much time from his other legend account. Scores 55 for 18 holes then 25 for 9 holes, then just to try and keep average up plays a few 9 holes with scores you would expect to hit playing 18 holes, 77 for front 9. LOL
The players in this game STINK more every day. Its true, WGT have opened a can of worms and all these cheating scum are crawling out and WGT cant ever put the lid back on the can. The thing is the way i see many forum posts, its like many players have given up knowing cheating has just got out of hand, and instead of thinking wgt will do something, they themselves are probably thinking, "if you can beat them, JOIN THEM" because It seems there's more multi account cheats winning tournaments EVERY DAY.
WGT, why cant we e-mail you some Identification like drivers licence when we open an account, this would make it a touch harder for some one to just open six or 7 accounts like whats happening at present.