WGTdbloshoe: Improving the WGT Nation experience is something that going forward is a high priority on WGT's list. To that end over the next couple of months or so we are going to start implementing some new things
Great..not before time too.
If you are going to start making it more attractive to be a Nation member then imo the criteria needs to be set more in stone. Seems it is pretty random atm.
EG: I wasn't invited till the L90 stage when everyone who hits that level is.....even after buying several sets of clubs, 100's of visits to Pro Shop, well over $1500.00 spent at that point, every format of the game played..RGs, free tourneys, MPC, Alt etc etc....had been gifted, had gifted myself, participated in forums, created tourneys, played tourneys, sponsored tourneys, in CC...need I go on :)
So if that ^^ was not enough ?? and when I see L40s who are members then that is what makes me suspect a measure of randomness and as I said if there are going to be perks for being a member then the qualification needs looking at.
Good job so far Shoe, from what I read when I look in once a week it / you seem to be going down great guns.