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Spacebar Issue

Sun, Apr 4 2021 9:03 AM (143 replies)
  • sickoview
    793 Posts
    Tue, May 7 2013 8:10 PM

    It's been over a month now. I have tried every other browser, but the pepper flash on chrome has the smoothest meter of them all. Why cant the programmers find a solution to a small issue like a spacebar not working?


  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Thu, May 9 2013 12:33 AM

    Why cant the programmers find a solution to a small issue like a spacebar not working?

    Maybe because it isn't their issue? I believe the problem is a bug in Pepper Flash, which is up to the Adobe & Google folks to fix. Take up the discussion with them.

  • treebeard
    228 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 5:10 AM

    I don't have the pepper flash plug-in and I still have no spacebar whilst in chat.


  • Steveqbi
    30 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 9:18 PM

    Disabling pepperflash for Chrome creates other problems; eg can't use mouse scroll wheel

  • Scoton
    174 Posts
    Fri, May 10 2013 11:54 PM

    My Pepper Flash is disabled and mouse scroll wheel works fine... or should it do something in the game that I don't know about?

  • ScottHope
    10,658 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 1:01 AM


  • hiflyer6
    68 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 2:37 AM

    OK,, guys firstly,, I will fix your spacebar issue.


    PLease follow instruction's

    For Google Chrome Users only


    1:) Download the latest Adobe flash Player

    Once done next

    2:)Open Google chrome browser and typre in


    ok next,

    You should be in the plugins page..


    On the right hand side you have a tab

    +details.........   click on this.


    This expands the setting page.



    3:) now on the top of the expanded page you will have a list of plugins,,


    Look for a line which says, maybe not exactly depends on your version,,

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\26.0.1410.64\PepperFlash\pepflashplayer.dll


    Below this line you will have a DISABLE tab..

    Click this and disable that item.

    ALL good now,, Log in and try your spacebar,, 

    Any issues please let me know,, I will help.


  • ScottHope
    10,658 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 2:13 PM


  • Steveqbi
    30 Posts
    Sat, May 11 2013 6:55 PM

    I can't use my mouse wheel to scroll thru clubs and putter distance like I could before

  • hiflyer6
    68 Posts
    Sun, May 12 2013 2:03 AM

    Yes Scott,, 

    I had come up with this fix Months ago,,

    Didnt realize that so many people were having the same issue,

    Or else I would have posted, long before WGT even knew about it. 


    So thanks for the Smart ass comment. SCOTT.