Sorry ,, Bad OPY ..
This is a good Idea Doc .
WGT wants to know ,, Please take 5min from your Bitchin and fill this out ,
Please use 1 to 10 for your relpy , ( 1 would be poor , 10 would be best . )
Wgt as you see it now ( In Color )
Wgt,s new Mod,s ( Tryin' Hard )
WGTicon ( Tot'n the Line )
WGTPizza ( MIA )
WGTdbloshoe ( Movin' the Meter Up )
WGTBOBBYSWORLD ( Not seen Much )
MisterWGT ( WHO? )
WGT Metter ( Still a Jerk )
WGT fun factor ( TopFlite )
WGT VEM ( On the Loose )
The friends you made ( On the Raise )
TheSpaceBar ( Closed )
Cost factor ( Free Balls )
From 1 to 10 ,, How many years have you played ( Less Than one )
Are you a multi accounter , 1 to 10 for all accounts ( N/A )
Would you use a cheat program ( My wife won't let cheat )
Are you a Yancy Fan ( Yup )
Do you Troll the forums ( I'm takin' this survey )
Do you think WGT is out to get you ( I'm armed )
Do you hear voices ( You talkin' to me? )
How many beers/drinks/smokes/etc/ect on the front 9 ( One bourbon one scoth one beer )
Same for the back 9 ( Yes )
Have you ever passed up sex for WGT ( I got screwed here )
Thank you for your time to fill this out So we here at WGT can spend less time telling you to clear you flash . We will do this once a month with different questions So that You the player Can help us to help you ,,
Please NOTE ***** This offer is for WGT Nation Members Only . ( @#$% the fine print )