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Survey Says ?

Tue, Apr 23 2013 11:58 AM (17 replies)
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  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 12:45 PM

    Dear WGT,

    As one of the many thousands who agreed to beta test your product, I have a suggestion. If you are truly interested in having your product appeal to the largest possible profit making demographic, why not conduct a survey among your beta testers and use that information to tailor the game to that end ? Surely this could only strengthen your company's position in the internmet gaming market. There is an untapped wealth of information at your fingertips from people who have been evaluating your product for years, why not put it to good use ? Oh yeah, and please fix the typing glitch.

    Doc :)

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 1:20 PM

    Great idea Doc, too bad WGT doesn't give a flying clump of bat dung what we think.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 4:02 PM

    why not conduct a survey

    They approached Supersonic and Sponsorpay to conduct the survey, but they could not agree to the pre-qualifying questionnaire.

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 4:10 PM

    I would like to order a Large pizza with Xtra mushrooms Please .

    iaa R ( R ) ft

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 4:14 PM

    That'll be 30 mins unless you want thick crust ;-)

    What does iaa R ( R ) ft mean opy?

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 4:50 PM

    Sorry ,, Bad   OPY ..

    This is a good Idea Doc .

    WGT wants to know ,,  Please take 5min from your Bitchin and fill this out ,

    Please use 1 to 10 for your relpy , (  1 would be poor , 10 would be best . )

    Wgt as you see it now                                                         (                   )

    Wgt,s  new Mod,s                                                                (                   )

    WGTicon                                                                             (                     )

    WGTPizza                                                                           (                      )

    WGTdbloshoe                                                                     (                       )

    WGTBOBBYSWORLD                                                       (                        )

    MisterWGT                                                                         (                        )

    WGT Metter                                                                        (                        )

    WGT fun factor                                                                   (                         )

    WGT VEM                                                                          (                          )

    The friends you made                                                         (                         )

    TheSpaceBar                                                                      (                         )

    Cost factor                                                                          (                          )

    From 1 to 10 ,, How many years have you played               (                       )

    Are you a multi accounter  , 1 to 10 for all accounts            (                         )

    Would you use a cheat program                                        (                          )

    Are you a Yancy Fan                                                          (                         )

    Do you Troll the forums                                                      (                         )

    Do you think WGT is out to get you                                    (                        )

    Do you hear voices                                                            (                          )

    How many beers/drinks/smokes/etc/ect on the front 9       (                        )

    Same for the back 9                                                           (                         )

    Have you ever passed up sex for WGT                               (                       )

    Thank you for your time to fill this out So we here at WGT can spend less time telling you to clear you flash .  We will do this once a month with different questions So that You the player Can help us to help you ,,  

     Please NOTE  *****    This offer is for WGT Nation Members Only .










  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 5:38 PM


    Sorry ,, Bad   OPY ..

    This is a good Idea Doc .

    WGT wants to know ,,  Please take 5min from your Bitchin and fill this out ,

    Please use 1 to 10 for your relpy , (  1 would be poor , 10 would be best . )

    Wgt as you see it now                                                         (   In Color   )

    Wgt,s  new Mod,s                                                                (  Tryin' Hard  )

    WGTicon                                                                             (   Tot'n the Line )

    WGTPizza                                                                           (     MIA    )

    WGTdbloshoe                                                                     (   Movin'  the Meter Up )

    WGTBOBBYSWORLD                                                       (  Not seen Much )

    MisterWGT                                                                         (    WHO?   )

    WGT Metter                                                                        (    Still a Jerk   )

    WGT fun factor                                                                   (     TopFlite      )

    WGT VEM                                                                          (      On the Loose    )

    The friends you made                                                         (    On the Raise         )

    TheSpaceBar                                                                      (    Closed        )

    Cost factor                                                                          (    Free Balls      )

    From 1 to 10 ,, How many years have you played               (    Less Than one   )

    Are you a multi accounter  , 1 to 10 for all accounts            (      N/A          )

    Would you use a cheat program                                        (    My wife won't let cheat    )

    Are you a Yancy Fan                                                          (    Yup      )

    Do you Troll the forums                                                      (  I'm takin' this survey  )

    Do you think WGT is out to get you                                    (    I'm armed   )

    Do you hear voices                                                            (   You talkin' to me?   )

    How many beers/drinks/smokes/etc/ect on the front 9 (  One bourbon one scoth one beer )

    Same for the back 9                                                           (       Yes         )

    Have you ever passed up sex for WGT                               (  I got screwed here     )

    Thank you for your time to fill this out So we here at WGT can spend less time telling you to clear you flash .  We will do this once a month with different questions So that You the player Can help us to help you ,,  

     Please NOTE  *****    This offer is for WGT Nation Members Only . ( @#$% the fine print )










  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 5:41 PM

    I had sex while getting my nightly hole in. I got 883 xp's and a good ass chewing. A man has to get his CDP's.

  • rjteeithi
    686 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 5:58 PM

    50% finished with survey the dq'ed?...go f your survey

  • drmoose
    3,547 Posts
    Fri, Apr 19 2013 6:05 PM

    Lol, ok you clowns ! Why is it that just because I wear a tinfoil hat no one takes me seriously ? WGT's marketing team has convinced advertisers that surveys conducted on this site have value, and collect revenue from them for it. How much of a leap is it to then conclude that that principle can be applied to generating more revenue by catering to the wishes of those most willing to spend money ? The caveat would be, "Don't ask stupid qustions, if you don't want stupid answers." To the representatives of
    WGT, would you care to comment on my suggestion , or continue to ignore your customer base ? Oh, and by the way, please fix the typing glitch.

    Doc :)

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