Not been playing but reading most ev other day ......AND when you look in from the outside there is soooo much shi***te typed, it's incredible !! Same cr*p from same narrow minded fools, who are so eager to believe in a ding society or everyones a multi / restarter ( WGT included)....INSTEAD of having an in depth and circumspect view of said accounts commented ;- why did they score how they did ?, what do they gain by doing said ? Anything gifted ? Any skins MPC raping going on ? ...but hey, why bother ? If they shoot , scramble , drive, gir, better than we did ( with NO knowledge) Let's just shoot d mofo's no ?
SH*T I was one of you 4 month back but you live and learn that hey, ppl score ok if they play with a head start and started their accounts like YOU wished YOU had...( if you get the heads up , it is easy to earn enough to pay for your high end clubs)..NOT I hasten to add MAKE F*ck all on this site...enjoyable though it may be.
H*******t been called into question along with another prominent tax exile ( all good with me { tax evasion} )....??? WHY ?
OK H*******t has a dubious well know multi as a friend who'd only joined recently who everyone knows has at LEAST 17 accounts (in another thread )..but instead of being on the 'Deviants' wall of shame....( JUST 4 ? really ? lol ) ....maybe we just ask him and Dan ??....a lot of plaudits for said player in defense from SOLID members but SOME questions need answering ..instead of the usual " they score better than me so they must be a wrong un" attitude.Why not just ask the man "How did / were you friends with a 2 week member master ? ".."why were they on your friends list but not now ? ". " How does a TL meet a TP ? "."How does said TP friend TWO TL's in their 1st couple of weeks " See.. they would deserve ?
Now I'm here I may as well see what these goddamn irons can do..1st time out in a while and last for a while ($200 WGT, u know what I'm talking about )...anyway 29 or 30 coming up.
Hit well out there
EDIT.. just read my WALL even Bella has the cheeck to hit ppl up..lmfao...The World's gone MAD !!
EDIT ll..Got my 1st pair of glasses @ 43 yrs..thought they would make me look studious and erudite but NO..just OLD....The body wearing out was never part of the Masterplan :))