Hey man u shouldn't need credits OR have found another way of accruing said such...............after all ICON plays with a member who sells them !!
I DON'T suggest for one minute that he is complicit in this obviously dastardly and unfathomable act that any self respecting person wouldf/////...ahh Feck it,,seems I was trying to convince myself.....
There is soooo much sh*t going on up here OR down here....selling / buying, playing for others, many , many other ways to 'stack the deck'................YOU know who you are...
WGT ........YOU know..and ..I KNOW this happens...AND you know who they are ...[ you must ? ] NOT have the 'knee jerk reaction' that you seem to employ to quieten the masses, as a platitude, which does nothing more than anger the ppl with more than 8 brain cells!!