How can i do fotos from the game window with Google-Chrom from the diferent game situation. Special to have better calculations in the CttH Challenge.
Thanx for Informations.
Regards from Alps
Use the Win7 Snipping Tool, if available.
Similar programs should be available from various download sites.
You could also download http:/ , this is a free download and saves alot of messing about with Paint. You won't regret using this, it's so easy !
Irfanview is easy to use and is a free download.
Many thanks for helping
IF your using Maxthon it has an easy screen snap feature that can be added in the quick tools drop down menu found on the search bar.
Great Alosso.
Had the Snipping Tool here on bord, but dont know how easy you can work like this option. Very simple & easy to handle. Thank you very much.
Gerne geschehen, immer willkommen!