You failed to mention the software the cheaters use. They should have an open for users and one for nonusers.
There's always one isn't there? Actually there are usually several but this one will do for starters.
Just because you can't find your aarse* with a map don't go accusing someone who can play well and post great scores of being a cheat. One day maybe you'll be able to play that well too and some witch hunter will come knocking on your door with a pitchfork.
News flash: The cheats are not the tour legends with 55 average who have been here for years. The real cheats are the ones who gave up because they couldn't hack the long tees and restarted under a new name, taking all their knowledge and experience to the short tees and cleaning up in RG's.
You losers really piss me off sometimes. Either deal with the fact that there are others who can play better than you or sod off.
*Huh? WGT censors *** but not piss? That makes sense.