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Changing tiers and losing rank

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Tue, May 28 2013 4:48 PM (13 replies)
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  • petemend65
    9 Posts
    Thu, May 23 2013 11:41 PM

    I went from Pro 71.95

    up one tier...

    to Tour Pro and my rank went from 71.95 up to 80

    Why did this happen...?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 12:44 AM

    Numbers reset.

    Good luck and have fun!

  • TomHarris77
    36 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 1:15 AM

    This whole "average" and tier stuff is a joke!  I've gone from Tour Master to Legend in 20 rounds with an average of 64.  From Hack to Legend in 6 weeks.

    I thought "Legend" was an achievement.  Seems they just give it to whoever shows up.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 6:39 AM


    I went from Pro 71.95

    up one tier...

    to Tour Pro and my rank went from 71.95 up to 80

    Why did this happen...?

    This will continue to happen as you advance up the tiers .Dont worry , as it will reset after a few rounds , and begin to come down . Congrats on your move up .Play well and have fun . Happy Swinging


  • petemend65
    9 Posts
    Sat, May 25 2013 12:56 AM

    OK thanks guys



  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Sun, May 26 2013 4:48 PM

    I thought "Legend" was an achievement.  Seems they just give it to whoever shows up.

    This whole "average" and tier stuff is a joke!  I've gone from Tour Master to Legend in 20 rounds with an average of 64.  From Hack to Legend in 6 weeks.

    Kind of wondering if new tier's are not now in order? Sandbagging (which you have not done) seems so rife anyway, and guy's like this......................Still fun to be had, but only TL mean's anything ...I think I was L70 or so, and it is a while before you get stuff to really compete score wise..........As say still fun to be had in the challenge from the tips but I can't help think the balance is now just too far out........Congrats anyway.

  • TomHarris77
    36 Posts
    Sun, May 26 2013 7:31 PM

    Well Jim, it has pretty much stuffed a game I was really enjoying.  I'm down from about 12+ rounds per day to 3 practice holes.

    The change seems to be related to ready go's.  Do well and you get arbitrarily accelerated into the next tier.  The issue as I see it is that there will always be some players that do well in an RG (someone wins) so all players will get flushed through.  Then you end up in a tier without access to the necessary equipment so you stop playing competition rounds.

    For the life of me I don't see any sense in it.  Playing hard and going in comps makes WGT money.  So rushing players into tiers they can't compete in is counter productive for WGT and the players enjoyment.  I've worked out I have 119 days of "not playing" until I can earn the right to pay WGT more money and start playing hard again......about 3 times as many days as it took to get where I am now.

    The balance is certainly out.  It also explains to me why the lower tier RG's took days to fill.  The players that would play them had been booted out of the tier.

  • pjctas0822
    4,621 Posts
    Sun, May 26 2013 10:29 PM


    This whole "average" and tier stuff is a joke!  I've gone from Tour Master to Legend in 20 rounds with an average of 64.  From Hack to Legend in 6 weeks.

    I thought "Legend" was an achievement.  Seems they just give it to whoever shows up.

    It used to be an achievement..............I am one of the last of the Mohicans I suppose......The way WGT has tried to combat sandbaggers has offset how people Tier up now.............Has its good and bad points but punishes the quick learners big time.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 3:03 PM

    So rushing players into tiers they can't compete in is counter productive for WGT and the players enjoyment.  I've worked out I have 119 days of "not playing" until I can earn the right to pay WGT more money and start playing hard again......about 3 times as many days as it took to get where I am now.

    Preaching to the choir here. Sadly it's been going on a while now.....Professional Sandbaggers would simply just play skin's / blitz, never MP against legends or RGs......I think it's a way too short term approach.  You should have competition that you can compete in properly all the way through.  WGT are selling top equipment to sandbaggers in the current system anyway so why penalise good people.  I think a new tier that automatically kicks in to full Legend at say L83 (thinking loud outside box only) that grants many good people like you good competition is something they should think about.  They can rush HIO challenges out for people dumb enough to take those odds, and it's now high time they were seen to do something for the game play of good customer's.............................Maybe several month's ago WGT tried to sort out sandbagging (I wonder now the real motive's) but this is not right..........

    Dig in fella, still fun to be had but frustrating as wrong as hell!

  • Wheels65
    744 Posts
    Mon, May 27 2013 4:08 PM

            My first thought is that you've been playing only 6 weeks and shooting low to mid 60's in 18 holes and a 60 at Merion - WOW!  Your skill is AWESOME and you are, obviously,  one of the fortunate few for whom this game is'too easy'.  Along the way,  you collected over 14700 credits in winnings.  Good on you!
             Now ask yourself, given your rapid mastery of this game would you think it right for WGT to allow you to compete (for credits) with people who have played for years and find it difficult to make even par on 18?  You see, those people are still Tour Pros, Masters and maybe even TM and they would like to win credits too - but stand no chance against someone as skillful as you.

            The tier system is a reflection of your skill relative to the whole WGT population and you, obviously, are DARNED GOOD!  So congratulations!

            If your complaint is that you cannot buy better gear because of silly and arbitrary rules - you have my sympathy - you are entirely correct and WGT is DEAD WRONG ON THIS ISSUE.

            If the complaint is that you cannot win against the competition at the Legend level (period) ---  that's the price of being so good.

            There are a number of us out here who would love to have that problem!

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