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Sat, May 25 2013 9:33 AM (11 replies)
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  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 1:24 AM

    Hello guys.

    I would want to know how you behave in the case of multi accounters.

    I played my very last two match with players that strokes like tour legends: a tour pro that gift to me my first lost with that tier and a master: both members enrolled for less than two months.

    In the first case I sent a message to WGTdbloshoe to check if everything was ok in your account for this player: now that name is no longer in the list of WGT and thanks Db for that.This morning the same thing with this player but this time I decided to contact support to request, not so much a refund, but a solution that I think may be to make available pre screen page to match at least the date of registration of the players.

    That's my suggestion, definitely will have already been proposed but there is often talk of cheats/frauds, multi accounters are using both conditions.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 1:56 AM

    Firstly you did the right thing contacting WGT regarding suspected multis, and in my view they are rampant.

    I agree having a faster way to check out a player would be a good idea for all formats. However I didn't understand the refund you requested? Were these challenge games, and if so, why would a low average legend take on a tour pro or even master? And you would have to question why they would take on a legend - probably because they fancied their chances which should in turn make you very wary.

    If it was just scored m/p, no damage done.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 1:57 AM

    So if you lose to a lower tier you normally ask for a refund, or am I reading it wrongly?

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 2:15 AM


    So if you lose to a lower tier you normally ask for a refund, or am I reading it wrongly?

    I see it as an opportunity to play and enjoy the challenge. Eyes are wide open to the obvious.

    I have never ever considered ratting the person out, but I am a little older, and in those days parents taught their children not to be a tattletale. But I suppose times have changed somewhat.

    Kind of answers another question I had, I always wondered why other legends would not play other legends of lower level and average, they are waiting for the cannot lose against the TP to play, if WGT just issues a refund.

    This would be why i had an "W" tattooed on each butt cheek, to spell out "WoW".



  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 3:07 AM

    Kind of answers another question I had, I always wondered why other legends would not play other legends of lower level and average, they are waiting for the cannot lose against the TP to play, if WGT just issues a refund.

    In Davide's case....this certainly isn't true....he's willing to play anyone and doesn''t cherry pick...he'll take any opponent the game throws up. Trouble with random mp's throwing up a lower tier player is 1//2 the time they're Legends/TM's using a 2nd or 3rd account....which has basically killed off MPC cause noone wants to play Russian Roulette with 3 bullets in the chamber.

    I've played in a few games with him...Simo and G.

    He's one of the most personable guys you could play alt shot with.

    Just Sayin'


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 3:28 AM

    Thank you fellas.
    Thanks to TBE for his kind words. Courteney too.


    I did not ask WGT a straightforward refund but a certain way to get everyone on the same level during the play in match play, especially in challenge mode. I do not want my money back as I have not asked in the first case described, I'm happy to know that this profile is shut down: it is probably much more satisfying than being refunded.

    I want to win honestly, and play against someone who knows very well WGT because of previously acquired skills is something that sends me into a rage. Not a problem if not verifiable by WGT with our help. We can "tutelarci" (didn't remember how to translate, sort of auto protect) rejected a challenge but if a master gives me a meeting in Oakmont for 360 bucks I do not refuse, get this into the game.

    Finding out that it is a registered user for less than two months, and with only 17 strokes assets let me think only of the fact that it will be hard to finish the game and so it was. Excluding the drive shots, approaches and putts from 22ft what is not clear for someone who plays at WGT 2 months with that account: different is if you stew the previous profile and to try to make it easy credit open a 'another. I still remember my start in WGT looking at my stats, I don't get it why we have to compete with someone who's got 3/5 accounts: what's the point, you're a thief. I didn't forfait the match, but it was a better solution?

    This, to me, mean cheat, cheat and steal.


    As Alan, WGT reported to the problem. I used all the means at my disposal: the link directly from the field, reporting to the support and a message to our moderator. Maybe this will help us until, if possible, WGT will give us a complete view of the profile before accepting a challenge. I never looked clear to the player I meet, only want to join the game and try to win, with any tiers level.

    That's all.

    Cheers everybody and sorry for my rusted english.




  • AntonioBunkeras
    262 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 5:05 AM

    If you had beaten them, would you still be moaning and groaning? Who's to know that you have not beaten multi-accounters before?

    I mean, you are a Legend L97 with an average of 61.86 and with 2,852 ranked rounds under your belt, plus 486 match play games on the clock... ;-)

  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 6:06 AM

    Yeah, maybe but I'm still not a cheater in front of your eyes so.

    I can't give this name profile so it's up to WGT not to me, your or readers. I got no recremination, just an idea to prevent that "kind" of rubbing and, by the way, if I beaten any WGT multi accounters the pleasure it's still mine: love that if happened. I do nothing wrong opening that thread. Get involved in critic it's part of the game, but I'm clean as a new sleeve as you confirm looked at my stats.

    Preserv those events isn't correct.
    Do charity to a cheater it's on discreption.

    Personal thinking.


  • Fraenkel
    2,252 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 8:40 AM

    Oh, and not to be misunderstood, I did not moaning and groaning. I just wondered how you would behave if you think that your match play pard, is a multi accounters. Is permissible to ask, I have not accused anyone.



    I would want to know how you behave in the case of multi accounters.


    Salut, Davide.

  • Kelsey12
    2,114 Posts
    Fri, May 24 2013 8:51 AM


    This would be why i had an "W" tattooed on each butt cheek, to spell out "WoW".

    If you stand on your head, it reads "MoM."


    Losing to a lower tiered player shouldn't automatically sound the alarms, but if you've been playing the game long enough, you can pretty much tell when someone has abilities that might go beyond what an average Tour Pro plays at, or even a fairly good Tour Pro. We're not stupid.

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