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**** Downtime tonight 5/29/13 ****

Thu, May 30 2013 7:19 PM (52 replies)
  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 4:46 AM

    One new thing is an additional ad placement position, at the bottom of every forum page (and cc forum page).

    Hopefully, this will make oodles more money for WGT to subsidize a plethora of new courses... although, on this evidence, perhaps not  ;)

  • Corwyn
    2,410 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 4:51 AM

    I do like the sound of this though (from the News page)

    • COMING SOON Merion Special Tournaments, check back next week for special Merion tournaments for top players and customers

    I can only hope this is a hint of an uneven lies tourney at Merion, perhaps another WGT special Invitational, or parallel UEL event ("U.S. Amateur" perhaps) for those (many) of us purists that love the extra challenge.

  • Infinito3010
    3,689 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 7:56 AM

    Can you substitute different clubs for example a hybrid for a 3 iron with the new golf bags.



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 8:10 AM


    Can you substitute different clubs for example a hybrid for a 3 iron with the new golf bags.

    It would increase sales that's for sure.

  • Milfshake
    1,260 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 8:22 AM


    Can you substitute different clubs for example a hybrid for a 3 iron with the new golf bags.





    I really hope this question gets answered.

  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 8:34 AM


    Can you substitute different clubs for example a hybrid for a 3 iron with the new golf bags.



    If it can, then I'll buy one, otherwise I'll still pass on a bag.


  • dansamcam
    1,739 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 8:43 AM


    Can you substitute different clubs for example a hybrid for a 3 iron with the new golf bags.

    I Just tried it and the answer is no.


  • bluzgolf
    1,077 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 8:45 AM



    Can you substitute different clubs for example a hybrid for a 3 iron with the new golf bags.

    I Just tried it and the answer is no.


    Thanks for letting us know.  

    That's what I figured.  Maybe next update for a few hundred more credits......


  • Funkyjunkie3000
    722 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 9:01 AM

    yep its just 4 preset bag selections, ie can have 1 set for ctth etc with out having to change clubs


    yea their misleading description got me 2 lol

  • DDRoss1
    1,809 Posts
    Thu, May 30 2013 9:26 AM

    All of their fantastic updates and we get golf bags, no clubs, no upside, GOLF Bags, It figures, I will keep my bank of credits in the bank. LOL