mnshiner:It has a lot do with you. All you do is complain about shots being right. And now you have the nerve to come on and say sebicu is not a top player who by the way is a top earnings winner.
Whats going on in your head?? Where have you come to the conclusion I've said somewhere that Sebicu is not a top player??? you're making things up as you go along just for the sake of argument. Some people are a step beyond. Read whats written not read, digest and add 1 + 1 and come up with your own answer. I've seen It all, Its there in black & white for every one too see, and every one can make up their own mind that you're just making things up. COMICAL. My previous posts have been geared at you, NO ONE ELSE, just you, you're the one who started to have a go, so why drag any one else into It.??
And yes, the USGA's tournament is set up such that only the better players qualify.
Unlike the USGA, WGT lets any WGT player try and qualify for the Virtual U.S. Open.
Yes, and thats what i was pointing out until Mr. Pointless jumped in. every one CAN enter and have a go, but only the BEST players will reach the required cut. The final round shouldn't be a tournament for every one, only the ones who CAN make the qualifying cut, bringing it inline with the usga tournament.